Fossil hunting
I managed to get out and about with the family this weekend and took a wander down to Monknash on the dropping tide for a walk.
Plenty of fisherman down there so I think there must have been a competition on. Either that or news had gotten round of a freak shoal of tuna?!
Here's a photo of one of the fossils found by Sennen.
Pholadromya-glabra circa 190,000,000 years old:

According to Professor John Cope of Cardiff Museum, this is one of the nicest specimens to have come out of Monknash and quite a rarity in terms of the fossil register for that area.
The cliffs were, as ever spectacular and I spotted a few fulmar nesting high up on the cliffs, whilst others soared along the cliff tops riding the thermals.
As usual - fossils galore and recent cliff slides had helped. My friend's son, Sennen - seemed to have an uncanny knack of finding them with '' coming out of his ears by the end! A young 'Indiana Jones' in the making me thinks...
Volcanic dusk at Penclawd by Eiona Roberts:

The sunset and sunrise gallery has been taking shape on the nature & outdoors portal and we've got11 nice pics in there now, for your viewing pleasure. I'll update as and when they come in - details on how to send in your best pics are on the website.
I hope you haven't been stuck in an airport somewhere during this sunny spell.
More nice weather on the way but a change is coming towards the end of the week so I might finally get to go surfing again.
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