Rhys to the rescue
Wednesday, 22 September at 7.30pm on ´óÏó´«Ã½ One Wales
Rhys Jones isn't your average chap. His normal day consists of dealing with schoolboys bringing home pet tarantulas and boa constrictors escaping from bedrooms.
Rhys is a wildlife expert and one of a handful of people in the UK, qualified to deal with endangered species and reptiles.
As a result he's often called upon to help out the police or when specialist skills are required.
Rhys to the Rescue is a fascinating insight into Rhys' weird world, as he tackles the kinds of critters most of us would be too scared to handle.
Herpetologist, Dr Rhys Jones:

In episode one, Welsh troops (about to undertake a tour of duty) learn how to tackle snake and scorpion bites & stings - which affect around 600 military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq every year.
They may be battle-hardened veterans, but these soldiers would rather face the enemy than get up close and personal with Rhys' snakes!
In another call out - Rhys is asked to track down and remove a colony of adders in need of rehousing after a new housing development is put on hold.
Rhys and leading reptile vet - Mark Evans microchip them in a unique experiment to see what happens when snakes are relocated.
You can watch the first episode on Wednesday, 22 September on ´óÏó´«Ã½ One Wales.
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