Appeal for Carmarthenshire churchyard fungi
(NBGoW) is asking for help in assessing Carmarthenshire's fungus populations in churchyards.

Waxcap fungi
Unlike open country and farmland, churchyards don't tend to be intensively managed and are unaffected by agricultural chemicals. Hence, species of fungus such as waxcaps, fair clubs, spindles and earth tongues can thrive in this particular habitat.
Bruce Langridge of NBGoW said: "There are more than 400 churchyards in Carmarthenshire but only a few of these are rich in these colourful fungi.
"Waxcaps, fairy clubs, spindles and earth tongues only really come out in the autumn and we haven't got time to visit every churchyard. So we desperately need the help of church wardens, vicars, ministers, deacons, people who mow the cemeteries or even dog walkers who pass through... to let me know if they think they've seen these things."
Either Langridge or another local expert will attend sites to identify the fungi, log them and offer advice on their continued conservation.
Bruce Langridge can be contacted on or 01558 667162.
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