%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesday_night_on_air_1.html" rel="bookmark">Tuesday night on air . . .
Tonight we're discussing the Pakistan airstrike, the extent of the internet's influence and a topic based on an idea sent in by esteemed listeners Ron and Stefano: the most dangerous cities in the world.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesday_night_on_air_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_running_order.html" rel="bookmark">Tuesday's running order
So this is how we going to to do it today. You can see from the %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/better_late_than_never.html">Morning Meeting that a number of stories/issues got considered but three are going to make it.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_running_order.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/better_late_than_never.html" rel="bookmark">Better late than never...
HI there. We've just been listening to Mark's appearance on %3Ca%20href="/worldservice/programmes/over_to_you.shtml">Over To You, where he answered some criticisms of the programme. We were convinced but what he had to say then I guess in our cases he was preaching to the converted. So without any further ado, let's get on with the Morning Meeting. Click %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/how_the_morning_meeting_works.html">here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/better_late_than_never.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/early_ideas_2.html" rel="bookmark">Early ideas...
We have our morning meeting at 1130 am GMT today, so if you have any suggestions for talking points for today's programme, please post a comment below and we will happily consider all ideas.
You can also join our meeting by sending us your number or calling 44 20 70 83 72 72 (replace the + with 011 if calling from North America, or 00 for most other countries)
Here are a few thoughts on what we could talk about today... what do you think?
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/early_ideas_2.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/monday_onair.html" rel="bookmark">Monday On-Air
Hi, it's James here.
Tonight we're discussing negative election campaigning ... As the gloves come off in political campaigns in America, Congo, Brazil, France and Nicaragua, we want to hear where you see the right and wrongs of negative campaigning. And where does the buck stop on climate change? A British report warns - take action or face serious economic and environmental consequences - but who should be taking the action?
Give us a call, send an email, or post to the blog, and Have Your Say.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/monday_onair.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/programme_update_1.html" rel="bookmark">Programme update
We've been asking people to send us their 60 second opinion editorial pieces on who they think is responsible for saving the planet for tonights programme.
A few people have sent them in and you can hear them putting their views across in the show later, but here's one that's been sent in by Dr Benny Peiser, Liverpool John Moores University, Faculty of Science..
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/programme_update_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/what_is_world_have_your_say.html" rel="bookmark">What is World Have Your Say?
The "Global Conversation" is a difficult concept to explain. World Have Your Say will aim to bring it a step closer on the radio between 1800-1900 GMT Monday to Friday and 24 hours a day via %3Ca%20href="https://www.bbcnews.com/worldhaveyoursay">this blog.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/what_is_world_have_your_say.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/mondays_running_order.html" rel="bookmark">Monday's running order
As you'll see from Pete's %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/a_new_week.html">first post of the day, and from %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/join_our_editorial_meeting_now.html">my notes on the Morning Meeting... Today there are two issues that that stand out....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/mondays_running_order.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/join_our_editorial_meeting_now.html" rel="bookmark">Monday's editorial meeting
We're just beginning today's Morning Meeting. Click %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/how_the_morning_meeting_works.html">here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/join_our_editorial_meeting_now.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/a_new_week.html" rel="bookmark">A new week
Good morning, what would you like to talk about? Elections and environment loom large in the main stories this morning, so I'l start with the environment:
Here in Britain, the %3Ca%20href="https://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/independent_reviews/stern_review_economics_climate_change/sternreview_index.cfm">Stern Review is published today. It says that %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/sci_tech/2004/climate_change/default.stm">climate change represents the %3Ca%20href="%3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6096084.stm">">greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/a_new_week.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/friday_night_on_air_1.html" rel="bookmark">Friday night on air . . .
We're discussing the modesty (or lack thereof) of female attire and whether it's ever right to rename airports, towns and provinces in the name of righting historical innacuracies: is South Africa's airport %3Ca%20href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/27/AR2006102700521.html">name change justified?

And reading out your mails, texts and comments tonight . . . please meet the newest member of the WHYS team, all the way from Johannesburg, SA: Tshepang Motsekuoa.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/friday_night_on_air_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/fridays_running_order_2.html" rel="bookmark">Friday's running order
We're not really getting our timing together today (blame it on the tour we've just had of the 'studio and office of the future' - it's certainly a bit more inspiring than our cosy little room). We talked through %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/fridays_morning_meeting.html">a lot of options earlier in the meeting and settled on two stories... Or to be exact one story, and one issue.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/fridays_running_order_2.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/over_to_you_1.html" rel="bookmark">Over to you....
I've been asked to appear (again) on the World Service programme %3Ca%20href="/worldservice/programmes/over_to_you.shtml">"Over To You" to talk about World Have Your Say .
They recorded an interview with me yesterday and recorded our morning editorial meeting and the programme goes out over the weekend.
The criticisms of the programme (ours, not theirs) range from the fair enough (" sometimes it's hard to hear some of the phone callers") to the frankly insulting ("the uninformed talking to the unwashed") . It'll be interesting to hear how they edit the interview and please feel free to let me know what you thought of it.
On another note, i heard from one of our former guests this week ; Francesca Martinez, who appeared on a programme we did discussing the word %3Ca%20href="/ouch/news/btn/tigerspaz.shtml">"spaz" after Tiger Woods said it. She's now got her own site, and i said i'd %3Ca%20href="https://www.francescamartinez.com/html/news.html">link to it here. She was an excellent and engaging guest - many of you wrote to tell us- and i hope she'll be on again in the future.
Finally, a big thanks to Justin and Steve who not only post regulalrly here, and have been great supporters of the programme, but they were the first listeners to join our editorial meetings this week, and they made quite an impression. If you fancy doing it one day, i think you know by now how to contact us.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/our_contributors_charter.html" rel="bookmark">Our Contributors' Charter
After a recent Saturday morning spent talking about the programme, we thought it would be useful to explain what you can expect when you decide to contribute to World Have Your Say.
Consider this a "Contributors Charter" - in other words the bargain between us, the "hosts" of the programme and you, the people who make it happen with your views and opinions. If you've still got questions after reading this, please feel free to%3Ca%20href="mailto:worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk"> email us.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/our_contributors_charter.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/fridays_morning_meeting.html" rel="bookmark">Friday's Morning Meeting
Morning all. Sorry we're a little late. We'll blame it on Mark's dentist. We're just beginning today's Morning Meeting. Click %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/how_the_morning_meeting_works.html">here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/fridays_morning_meeting.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/we_need_you_1.html" rel="bookmark">WE NEED YOU!
Morning Blog world. How's it going? After a brief break away I'm back and raring to go. I've just been to the US Embassy in London to pick up my visa for our up coming trip to the States. It went remarkably smoothly, thanks for asking. Remember if you want to join any of our audiences while we're over there we'd love to have you. Click %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/on_the_road_again.html">here to find out where we'll be, and if you want to come along send us an email to wouldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk stating your name and which audience you'd like to attend and we'll sort out the rest.
Here's what's about today....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/we_need_you_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/last_morning_in_london.html" rel="bookmark">Last morning in London....
Our bags are packed, the neighbors have keys, a friend will feed our fat lazy moggy for the next three months... and my last morning in London has been stunningly beautiful. I woke up at 6.30 while it was still dark and listened to the finches in the tree outside, thinking how much louder mornings in India will be. There, raucous green parakeets screech while crows caw and pigeons sit on your window sill, cooing away. You can also hear hundreds of bicycle bells in the distance, your neighbor's pressure cooker whistling as it prepares lentils for lunch, and rag-pickers calling as they pass.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/last_morning_in_london.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/thursday_night_on_air.html" rel="bookmark">Thursday night on air . . .
It's Thursday and we're on air discussing the Aussie Sheik's %3Ca%20href="https://timblair.net/ee/index.php/weblog/uncovered_meat_is_the_problem/">"uncovered meat" quote, India's %3Ca%20href="https://www.cpiml.org/liberation/year_2005/october05/domestic_voilence_act.htm"> Domestic Violence Act and the Africa %3Ca%20href="https://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/26/world/africa/27africacnd.html">good governance prize.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/thursday_night_on_air.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/thurdays_running_order.html" rel="bookmark">Thursday's running order
We are going to pick up on stories in Australia, India and Africa today. If you'd like to comment on them or tell us about a story we're missing, please post here or email us. And you can read how we came to choose these stories by following the post on our %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/join_thursdays_morning_meeting.html">Morning Meeting.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/thurdays_running_order.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/join_thursdays_morning_meeting.html" rel="bookmark">Thursday's Morning Meeting
Hi there. I hope you're doing well today. Here's details of today's Morning Meeting. Click %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/how_the_morning_meeting_works.html">here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/join_thursdays_morning_meeting.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/african_leaders_greece_schools.html" rel="bookmark">African leaders, strikes and Imam controversy
Welcome to another morning on World Have Your Say, let us know what you think of these early ideas for todays programme and suggest any others you think we should be talking about.
A senior Australian Muslim cleric, Sheikh Taj el-Din al-Hilaly, has come under fire for %3Ca%20href="https://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,20649104-5005961,00.html">reportedly saying Muslim women who do not wear the head-dress are inviting sexual assault. In remarks broadcast on Radio Australia. Sheikh Taj el-Din says the comments have been taken out of context, but the Australian government's sex discrimination commissioner Pru Goward accused the cleric of inciting rape and called for his deportation..
If you're in Australia, how have the Muslim community reacted? And is there an internal debate amongst Muslim women about wearing the Hijab?
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/african_leaders_greece_schools.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_night_on_air.html" rel="bookmark">Wednesday night on air . . .
We're live on air discussing the McCartney divorce and Lebanon/Israel one month on.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_night_on_air.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/messy_divorces_and_return_to_l.html" rel="bookmark">Messy divorces and return to Lebanon
The morning meeting, as ever, was a lively affair and there was certainly plenty to talk about. We had a full house in our offices here at Bush House, and once again Steve in Utah joined us via conference call to give us his take on what he thought should make it in to today's show.
Here's what made it to the table..
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/messy_divorces_and_return_to_l.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/a_new_low.html" rel="bookmark">A new low
Came in this morning to find a TV left on - and what should be showing but a replay of last night's game between West Ham and Chesterfield. I'm glad I'm at Television Centre not Bush House today, as I'm sure the %3Ca%20href="https://football.guardian.co.uk/Match_Report/0,,1930830,00.html">2-1 win for Chesterfield won't have put Mark in the best of moods. No time here to go into the mess that is the Hammers' season so far, but %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/w/west_ham_utd/6082588.stm">it hasn't been pretty, with eight straight defeats and no clean sheets...
But that's yesterday's news - what do you want to talk about today?
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/a_new_low.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesday_night_on_air.html" rel="bookmark">Tuesday night on air . . .
We're live on air revisiting our Hungarian 'revolutionaries' from %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/monday_and_were_on_air_1.html">last night, discussing the veil incident in Detroit and talking about whether working mums can be good mums.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesday_night_on_air.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_agenda_1.html" rel="bookmark">Tuesday's agenda
Three stories have made today's running order after %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/you_can_join_our_editorial_mee.html">this morning's meeting. If you'd like to contribute to any of the debates, please post here or %3Ca%20href="mailto:worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk">email us, and include your phone number if you'd like to come on air later.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_agenda_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/you_can_join_our_editorial_mee.html" rel="bookmark">Today's editorial meeting
Hi there. A new day and a new programme beckons. We're just beginning today's Morning Meeting. Click %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/how_the_morning_meeting_works.html">here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/you_can_join_our_editorial_mee.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/early_ideas_and_an_invitation.html" rel="bookmark">Early ideas and an invitation
Hello all, you can breathe a sigh of relief because there is to be no long, slightly dull blog post from me outlining my ideas, instead here a few short ones to inspire you a bit.
Our %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/how_the_morning_meeting_works.html">morning meeting is at 11 am GMT, so please do contact us with ideas.
If, %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/mondays_morning_meeting_1.html">like Steve and Justin did yesterday, you actually want to join in, please either send us a comment with your number so we can call you for the meeting,. Or call us on +44 207 55 70635
(If you are from North America or the Caribbean, dial 011 first. For pretty much everyone else it's 00, exceptions are %3Ca%20href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_international_call_prefixes">here)
So here are my ideas...
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/early_ideas_and_an_invitation.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/monday_and_were_on_air_1.html" rel="bookmark">Monday and we're on air...
Tonight we're talking about Iraq, Hungary and that rarest of breeds, a famous Belgian . . .
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/monday_and_were_on_air_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/insurgent_elections.html" rel="bookmark">Insurgent elections....

Is Iraq becoming THE hottest issue at the US Mid Term elections?
80 US military personnel lost their lives there in the last month - the worst for two years.It's led to pressure on President Bush to change tactics. He, in turn, has urged the Iraqi government to %3Ca%20href="https://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,20628583-601,00.html">start sorting out security.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/insurgent_elections.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/mondays_morning_meeting_1.html" rel="bookmark">Monday's Morning Meeting
We're just beginning today's Morning Meeting. Click %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/how_the_morning_meeting_works.html">here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today. We've David, Pete, Mark, Paul, Priya, Dicky (fresh back from Cuba) and Angela (who's with us for the day from %3Ca%20href="https://www.bbcnews.com/worldtoday">The World Today)....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/mondays_morning_meeting_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/it_bites.html" rel="bookmark">It bites...
It's miserable enough being a West Ham fan without waking up to see pictures of our Javier Mascherano being %3Ca%20href="https://www.spursodyssey.com/0607/biter.html">BITTEN by Jermain Defoe. Mind you, it did provide a nice "Bite Hart Lane"headline for the Sun. Anyway, it's football, not life....so let's crack on...
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/it_bites.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/a_presidents_joke.html" rel="bookmark">A president's joke
As %3Ca%20href="https://blogs.bbc.co.uk/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/fridays_agenda.html">Ros wrote earlier, today we're talking about Russian President Vladimir Putin making a joke about the rape allegations facing the Israeli President Moshe Katsav, and asking if screening for breast cancer does more harm than good.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/a_presidents_joke.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/on_the_road_again.html" rel="bookmark">On the road again.....
WHYS is presenting the programme in the US again during the first week of November for the %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/americas/2006/mid_terms/default.stm">Mid Term elections. We'll be linking up with three of our partner stations across the week and will broadcast the show from Washington on Monday November the 6th, Cleveland on Tuesday and Wednesday and Detroit on Thursday and Friday.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/on_the_road_again.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/polluted_cities_1.html" rel="bookmark">Polluted cities...
We're trying to find people who live in the world's top ten most polluted cities. Can you help?
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/polluted_cities_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/fridays_agenda.html" rel="bookmark">Friday's agenda
Thanks to those of you who followed the meeting online. After a %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/the_morning_meeting_is_happeni.html">lengthy morning meeting, two stories are going to make the running order.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/fridays_agenda.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/the_morning_meeting_is_happeni.html" rel="bookmark">The Morning Meeting
Hi there. It's a %3Ca%20href="/weather/24hr.shtml?world=0008">dank drizzly day here in London but somehow winter always feels more bearable before Christmas rather than after. In fact I was waiting for the bus last night and saw an advert for %3Ca%20href="https://www.somersethouseicerink.org.uk/">ice-skating at Somerset House which is a classic evening if you're ever in town. And all this despite sun-bathing on Sunday. Anyway, enough rambling about the weather.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/the_morning_meeting_is_happeni.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/the_morning_meeting_is_happeni.html" rel="bookmark">The Morning Meeting
Hi there. It's a %3Ca%20href="/weather/24hr.shtml?world=0008">dank drizzly day here in London but somehow winter always feels more bearable before Christmas rather than after. In fact I was waiting for the bus last night and saw an advert for %3Ca%20href="https://www.somersethouseicerink.org.uk/">ice-skating at Somerset House which is a classic evening if you're ever in town. And all this despite sun-bathing on Sunday. Anyway, enough rambling about the weather.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/the_morning_meeting_is_happeni.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/whys_reviewed.html" rel="bookmark">WHYS reviewed...
Every so often at the World Service , our programmes are reviewed by our "peers" around the building. It was the turn of World Have Your Say this week and i thought i'd report back.
The two editions of the programme the review board focussed on were the EU enlargement special (the voices out of Bulgaria and Romania) and the one which featured Saddam's trial and the film "Jesus Camp", but the panel, who included heads of some of the language services, heads of sport and World Service Commissioners, were looking at the programme as a whole.
Over the hour and a half of the session, here's a sample of some of the things said , while David and i listened...
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/whys_reviewed.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/whys_reviewed.html" rel="bookmark">WHYS reviewed...
Every so often at the World Service , our programmes are reviewed by our "peers" around the building. It was the turn of World Have Your Say this week and i thought i'd report back.
The two editions of the programme the review board focussed on were the EU enlargement special (the voices out of Bulgaria and Romania) and the one which featured Saddam's trial and the film "Jesus Camp", but the panel, who included heads of some of the language services, heads of sport and World Service Commissioners, were looking at the programme as a whole.
Over the hour and a half of the session, here's a sample of some of the things said , while David and i listened...
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/whys_reviewed.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/any_suggestions.html" rel="bookmark">Any suggestions?
I'll be honest, I am struggling a little for major talking points for the programme today, so if you have any suggestions please let us know using the postform below.
Here are some early ideas:
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/any_suggestions.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/african_union_special.html" rel="bookmark">African Union special
Hi, it's Anna here, not Priya as the name above suggests...
As %3Ca%20href="LINK%20HERE">Ros, wrote earlier, today we're talking about the African Union. We want to hear your thoughts on how effective it is.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course %3Ca%20href="/">post your own comments as well.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/african_union_special.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/african_union_special.html" rel="bookmark">African Union special
Hi, it's Anna here, not Priya as the name above suggests...
As %3Ca%20href="LINK%20HERE">Ros, wrote earlier, today we're talking about the African Union. We want to hear your thoughts on how effective it is.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course %3Ca%20href="/">post your own comments as well.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/african_union_special.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/an_efficient_and_effective_afr.html" rel="bookmark">An 'efficient and effective' African Union?
Hi there. I'm a little more tired than normal this morning. Not because I had a particularly busy night with our new arrival at home, but because we were all out giving %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/world_have_your_say/4379364.stm">Anu a send off ahead of her going to %3Ca%20href="https://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/destinations/asia/india/delhi/">Delhi for three months to be the correspondent there for ´óÏó´«Ã½ %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/radio_newsroom/default.stm">Radio News. She's been presenting the show since it launched so it's going to be strange not having her around. But our loss is the Delhi bureau's gain, and I've a feeling we'll be hearing plenty from her both on air and here on the blog.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/an_efficient_and_effective_afr.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/an_efficient_and_effective_afr.html" rel="bookmark">An 'efficient and effective' African Union?
Hi there. I'm a little more tired than normal this morning. Not because I had a particularly busy night with our new arrival at home, but because we were all out giving %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/world_have_your_say/4379364.stm">Anu a send off ahead of her going to %3Ca%20href="https://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/destinations/asia/india/delhi/">Delhi for three months to be the correspondent there for ´óÏó´«Ã½ %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/radio_newsroom/default.stm">Radio News. She's been presenting the show since it launched so it's going to be strange not having her around. But our loss is the Delhi bureau's gain, and I've a feeling we'll be hearing plenty from her both on air and here on the blog.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/an_efficient_and_effective_afr.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_nights_live_debate_1.html" rel="bookmark">Wednesday night's live debate...
We're live on air discussing the future of Iraq and specifically whether Iranian and Syrian involvement could help.
You can listen live right now by clicking %3Ca%20href="/mediaselector/check/worldservice/meta/tx/live_news?size=au&bgc=003399&lang=en-ws&nbram=1&nbwm=1">here. Otherwise simply click on the comments link below to leave a message - I'll try and get it to Anu our presenter while we're on air.
Alternatively call us on +44 20 70 83 72 72 and we'll get you on the show. The earlier you phone the more chance you have of getting on!
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_nights_live_debate_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_nights_live_debate_1.html" rel="bookmark">Wednesday night's live debate...
We're live on air discussing the future of Iraq and specifically whether Iranian and Syrian involvement could help.
You can listen live right now by clicking %3Ca%20href="/mediaselector/check/worldservice/meta/tx/live_news?size=au&bgc=003399&lang=en-ws&nbram=1&nbwm=1">here. Otherwise simply click on the comments link below to leave a message - I'll try and get it to Anu our presenter while we're on air.
Alternatively call us on +44 20 70 83 72 72 and we'll get you on the show. The earlier you phone the more chance you have of getting on!
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_nights_live_debate_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_guests.html" rel="bookmark">Today's guests
We've been making progress towards the topic of tonight's show - is it time for the US to involve Iran and Syria in resolving the Iraq conflict? We'll be asking what negotiations between the three countries might sound like, and - after dozens of phone calls - we've managed to line up a high-powered panel of guests to speak for Washington, Damascus, and Tehran. Syria's Ambassor to Washington, Dr Imad Moustapha, will be joining us from our Washington studio. Alongside him will be Frank Gaffney, President of the Centre for Security Policy and a former defence official under President Reagan. And from Tehran we'll have Sadeq Zibakalam of Tehran University joining us - he's one of Iran's leading political commentators.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_guests.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_guests.html" rel="bookmark">Today's guests
We've been making progress towards the topic of tonight's show - is it time for the US to involve Iran and Syria in resolving the Iraq conflict? We'll be asking what negotiations between the three countries might sound like, and - after dozens of phone calls - we've managed to line up a high-powered panel of guests to speak for Washington, Damascus, and Tehran. Syria's Ambassor to Washington, Dr Imad Moustapha, will be joining us from our Washington studio. Alongside him will be Frank Gaffney, President of the Centre for Security Policy and a former defence official under President Reagan. And from Tehran we'll have Sadeq Zibakalam of Tehran University joining us - he's one of Iran's leading political commentators.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_guests.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/iraq-_time_to_talk_.html" rel="bookmark">Iraq- Time to Talk?
Last night, Mark said after the programme, we should have given much more time to Iraq. Certainly our Iraqi guests left saying they wished they'd had more time... and it seems you did too. Not just that, but today, the speculation around the %3Ca%20href="https://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,7374-2409202.html">policy paper by %3Ca%20href="https://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/4267248.html">James Baker and the Iraq Study Group is building. Including the suggestion that the solution lies with involving Iraq's neighbors, Iran & Syria, (yes, the same countries named as part of Bush's 'Axis of Evil.') As David said at our meeting this morning: Nixon talked to Mao, Reagan talked to Gorbachev.... is it time for Bush to talk to Ahmedinejad & al-Assad? Read what %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6060544.stm">Iraq's president has to say...
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/iraq-_time_to_talk_.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/iraq-_time_to_talk_.html" rel="bookmark">Iraq- Time to Talk?
Last night, Mark said after the programme, we should have given much more time to Iraq. Certainly our Iraqi guests left saying they wished they'd had more time... and it seems you did too. Not just that, but today, the speculation around the %3Ca%20href="https://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,7374-2409202.html">policy paper by %3Ca%20href="https://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/4267248.html">James Baker and the Iraq Study Group is building. Including the suggestion that the solution lies with involving Iraq's neighbors, Iran & Syria, (yes, the same countries named as part of Bush's 'Axis of Evil.') As David said at our meeting this morning: Nixon talked to Mao, Reagan talked to Gorbachev.... is it time for Bush to talk to Ahmedinejad & al-Assad? Read what %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/6060544.stm">Iraq's president has to say...
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/iraq-_time_to_talk_.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/third_time_lucky.html" rel="bookmark">Third time lucky....
It is morning and I have made it to White City in West London, an area colonised by the ´óÏó´«Ã½. This is something of an achievement given that it took three attempts to board a tube train, any tube train, before I finally squeezed on. Not a task for the faint-hearted...
Anyway... our regular morning meeting begins at 11am GMT, so if you have any suggestions of news stories or talking points in your area, please get in touch as soon as possible. We will consider all ideas in our meetings before we decide what will make the programme tonight.
Here are some of my suggestions....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/third_time_lucky.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/third_time_lucky.html" rel="bookmark">Third time lucky....
It is morning and I have made it to White City in West London, an area colonised by the ´óÏó´«Ã½. This is something of an achievement given that it took three attempts to board a tube train, any tube train, before I finally squeezed on. Not a task for the faint-hearted...
Anyway... our regular morning meeting begins at 11am GMT, so if you have any suggestions of news stories or talking points in your area, please get in touch as soon as possible. We will consider all ideas in our meetings before we decide what will make the programme tonight.
Here are some of my suggestions....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/third_time_lucky.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_discussion_1.html" rel="bookmark">Tuesday's on air discussion...
We're on air discussing the two hot topics of the day: %3Ca%20href="https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/story?id=2577295&page=1">Madonna's baby boy and %3Ca%20href="https://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/10/17/africa/ME_GEN_Saudi_Iraq.php">Iraq.
As ever, if you want to listen to the show live then click %3Ca%20href="/mediaselector/check/worldservice/meta/tx/live_news?size=au&bgc=003399&lang=en-ws&nbram=1&nbwm=1">here. Otherwise simply click on the comments link below or alternatively call us on +44 20 70 83 72 72.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_discussion_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_discussion_1.html" rel="bookmark">Tuesday's on air discussion...
We're on air discussing the two hot topics of the day: %3Ca%20href="https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/story?id=2577295&page=1">Madonna's baby boy and %3Ca%20href="https://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/10/17/africa/ME_GEN_Saudi_Iraq.php">Iraq.
As ever, if you want to listen to the show live then click %3Ca%20href="/mediaselector/check/worldservice/meta/tx/live_news?size=au&bgc=003399&lang=en-ws&nbram=1&nbwm=1">here. Otherwise simply click on the comments link below or alternatively call us on +44 20 70 83 72 72.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_discussion_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/cut_the_material_girl_some_sla.html" rel="bookmark">Cut the Material Girl some slack....& Iraq, one country or three?
Last night, we started talking about Madonna, but never quite finished. Today, judging by our email inbox, the%3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4273&&&edition=2&ttl=20061017134456"> ´óÏó´«Ã½ online debate, the %3Ca%20href="https://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=410846&in_page_id=1770&ico=Homepage&icl=TabModule&icc=NEWS&ct=5">headlines and blogs, many of you are still talking about her and the future of little David Banda. Some in Malawi say %3Ca%20href="https://news.independent.co.uk/world/africa/article1879403.ece">Madonna has bought the child and broken the law. %3Ca%20href="https://www.lse.co.uk/ShowStory.asp?story=US1730143M&news_headline=clifford_on_madonna">Others say, leave her and the boy alone, he'll have a good life.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/cut_the_material_girl_some_sla.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/cut_the_material_girl_some_sla.html" rel="bookmark">Cut the Material Girl some slack....& Iraq, one country or three?
Last night, we started talking about Madonna, but never quite finished. Today, judging by our email inbox, the%3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4273&&&edition=2&ttl=20061017134456"> ´óÏó´«Ã½ online debate, the %3Ca%20href="https://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=410846&in_page_id=1770&ico=Homepage&icl=TabModule&icc=NEWS&ct=5">headlines and blogs, many of you are still talking about her and the future of little David Banda. Some in Malawi say %3Ca%20href="https://news.independent.co.uk/world/africa/article1879403.ece">Madonna has bought the child and broken the law. %3Ca%20href="https://www.lse.co.uk/ShowStory.asp?story=US1730143M&news_headline=clifford_on_madonna">Others say, leave her and the boy alone, he'll have a good life.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/cut_the_material_girl_some_sla.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/talking_points_1.html" rel="bookmark">Talking points
What to talk about today? Here's what stood out for me this morning - please add your thoughts.
First, can sanctions work? And are they a declaration of war, %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6057718.stm">as North Korea says? %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4191&edition=2">Join the online debate.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/talking_points_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/talking_points_1.html" rel="bookmark">Talking points
What to talk about today? Here's what stood out for me this morning - please add your thoughts.
First, can sanctions work? And are they a declaration of war, %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6057718.stm">as North Korea says? %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4191&edition=2">Join the online debate.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/talking_points_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/monday_night_and_were_onair_1.html" rel="bookmark">Monday night and we're on-air...
Right now in the studio we've a Umm-Talha, a 24-year-old Londoner who wears a veil and she's explaining her reasons for it to some European callers who find it an alien culture.
If you want to listen to the show live then click %3Ca%20href="/mediaselector/check/worldservice/meta/tx/live_news?size=au&bgc=003399&lang=en-ws&nbram=1&nbwm=1">here. Otherwise simply click on the comments link below or alternatively call us on +44 20 70 83 72 72.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/monday_night_and_were_onair_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/monday_night_and_were_onair_1.html" rel="bookmark">Monday night and we're on-air...
Right now in the studio we've a Umm-Talha, a 24-year-old Londoner who wears a veil and she's explaining her reasons for it to some European callers who find it an alien culture.
If you want to listen to the show live then click %3Ca%20href="/mediaselector/check/worldservice/meta/tx/live_news?size=au&bgc=003399&lang=en-ws&nbram=1&nbwm=1">here. Otherwise simply click on the comments link below or alternatively call us on +44 20 70 83 72 72.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/monday_night_and_were_onair_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/unveiled_debate_should_madonna.html" rel="bookmark">Unveiled debate...... & should Madonna be allowed to adopt a Malawian baby?
I'm definitely not the only one fascinated by %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6048674.stm">Madonna's bid to adopt a baby from Malawi. We talked about it %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/your_comments_keep_arriving.html">last week before the story was even confirmed, but now, it seems %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4273&&&edition=2&ttl=20061016132620">everyone seems to be debating why she's doing it and if it's the best thing for the 18-month-old boy, David. More about that later. Our first topic today is the veil. For those of you groaning and muttering 'oh-no-not-another-Muslim-story-again!' as you read this, I will say that as a program, we're led by YOU, and the overwhelming majority of you posting on our blog are still talking about why Muslim women living in western countries choose to wear a veil and what effect it has on others. Not to mention that it's becoming an ongoing, very robust debate %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4272&start=0&&&edition=1&ttl=20061016132751">here in Britain....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/unveiled_debate_should_madonna.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/unveiled_debate_should_madonna.html" rel="bookmark">Unveiled debate...... & should Madonna be allowed to adopt a Malawian baby?
I'm definitely not the only one fascinated by %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6048674.stm">Madonna's bid to adopt a baby from Malawi. We talked about it %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/your_comments_keep_arriving.html">last week before the story was even confirmed, but now, it seems %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4273&&&edition=2&ttl=20061016132620">everyone seems to be debating why she's doing it and if it's the best thing for the 18-month-old boy, David. More about that later. Our first topic today is the veil. For those of you groaning and muttering 'oh-no-not-another-Muslim-story-again!' as you read this, I will say that as a program, we're led by YOU, and the overwhelming majority of you posting on our blog are still talking about why Muslim women living in western countries choose to wear a veil and what effect it has on others. Not to mention that it's becoming an ongoing, very robust debate %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4272&start=0&&&edition=1&ttl=20061016132751">here in Britain....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/unveiled_debate_should_madonna.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/early_ideas.html" rel="bookmark">Early ideas...
Good Morning! At 10.30 am GMT we will be having our morning meeting where we decide what stories will make the programme tonight. So if you have any suggestions please let us know as soon as possible using the form below.
I have one or two ideas of my own.....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/early_ideas.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/early_ideas.html" rel="bookmark">Early ideas...
Good Morning! At 10.30 am GMT we will be having our morning meeting where we decide what stories will make the programme tonight. So if you have any suggestions please let us know as soon as possible using the form below.
I have one or two ideas of my own.....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/early_ideas.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/friday_the_13th_on_air_and_all.html" rel="bookmark">Friday the 13th . . . on air and all is well
Yes, it's the day when we in the West traditionally celebrate the slaughter of naive teenagers %3Ca%20href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Friday_the_thirteenth_movie_poster.jpg">on camping trips, but so far I see no %3Ca%20href="https://www.fridaythe13thfilms.com/multimedia/pictures/part6/f13-6-5.html"> maniacs with hockey masks slicing their way through the WHYS team. Alas, the same cannot be said for %3Ca%20href="https://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1.asp">Number 10, where bloodletting of Jason-like proportions was last night unleashed by General Sir Richard Dannatt who said the UK army was "exacerbating" difficulties in Iraq.
It's what the world is talking about and the debate is ongoing and in case you are wondering who some of the guests were, here's the breakdown:
- %3Ca%20href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Hastings">Sir Max Hastings, one of the UK's foremost military historians and journalists.
- %3Ca%20href="https://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/772461.html">Amir Oren, military correspondent for Ha'aretz in Jerusalem. He'll be giving us the Israeli view.
- Eric Shimoli, a journalist with Kenya's %3Ca%20href="https://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgindex.asp">Daily Nation
- Bisi Alimi is a student from Nigeria
As usual, while we are on air please leave your comments below and I'll get them to Anu in the studio. If you're interested, take a look at what British servicemen are saying about Sir Richard's comments %3Ca%20href="https://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/t=48836/postdays=0/postorder=asc/start=15.html">here (note: CGS = Chief of General Staff, i.e. the head of the army).
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/friday_the_13th_on_air_and_all.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/friday_the_13th_on_air_and_all.html" rel="bookmark">Friday the 13th . . . on air and all is well
Yes, it's the day when we in the West traditionally celebrate the slaughter of naive teenagers %3Ca%20href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Friday_the_thirteenth_movie_poster.jpg">on camping trips, but so far I see no %3Ca%20href="https://www.fridaythe13thfilms.com/multimedia/pictures/part6/f13-6-5.html"> maniacs with hockey masks slicing their way through the WHYS team. Alas, the same cannot be said for %3Ca%20href="https://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1.asp">Number 10, where bloodletting of Jason-like proportions was last night unleashed by General Sir Richard Dannatt who said the UK army was "exacerbating" difficulties in Iraq.
It's what the world is talking about and the debate is ongoing and in case you are wondering who some of the guests were, here's the breakdown:
- %3Ca%20href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Hastings">Sir Max Hastings, one of the UK's foremost military historians and journalists.
- %3Ca%20href="https://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/772461.html">Amir Oren, military correspondent for Ha'aretz in Jerusalem. He'll be giving us the Israeli view.
- Eric Shimoli, a journalist with Kenya's %3Ca%20href="https://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgindex.asp">Daily Nation
- Bisi Alimi is a student from Nigeria
As usual, while we are on air please leave your comments below and I'll get them to Anu in the studio. If you're interested, take a look at what British servicemen are saying about Sir Richard's comments %3Ca%20href="https://www.arrse.co.uk/cpgn2/Forums/viewtopic/t=48836/postdays=0/postorder=asc/start=15.html">here (note: CGS = Chief of General Staff, i.e. the head of the army).
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/friday_the_13th_on_air_and_all.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/soldiers_and_politicians_1.html" rel="bookmark">Soldiers and Politicians
This is the most talked about man in Britain at the moment. %3Ca%20href="https://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/AboutDefence/People/ChiefsOfStaff/ChiefOfTheGeneralStaff.htm">General Sir Richard Dannatt stunned the government and the country late last night with %3Ca%20href="https://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=410163&in_page_id=1770&ico=Homepage&icl=TabModule&icc=NEWS&ct=5">his comments about British involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, in an interview with the Daily Mail newspaper. For a serving chief of staff to contradict government policy is pretty unprecedented, here in Britain anyway. And it got us wondering...Do you think soldiers should stay out of politics full-stop? Or should they do whatever is necessary to serve the public interest?
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/soldiers_and_politicians_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/soldiers_and_politicians_1.html" rel="bookmark">Soldiers and Politicians
This is the most talked about man in Britain at the moment. %3Ca%20href="https://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/AboutDefence/People/ChiefsOfStaff/ChiefOfTheGeneralStaff.htm">General Sir Richard Dannatt stunned the government and the country late last night with %3Ca%20href="https://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=410163&in_page_id=1770&ico=Homepage&icl=TabModule&icc=NEWS&ct=5">his comments about British involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, in an interview with the Daily Mail newspaper. For a serving chief of staff to contradict government policy is pretty unprecedented, here in Britain anyway. And it got us wondering...Do you think soldiers should stay out of politics full-stop? Or should they do whatever is necessary to serve the public interest?
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/soldiers_and_politicians_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/were_on_air_welcome_to_the_con.html" rel="bookmark">Thursday's show - what you said
Hi there. Feel free keep on posting at the bottom of %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/were_on_air_welcome_to_the_con.html">this entry. As Anu described %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/making_up_history_and_iraq_bod.html">in detail earlier, three stories made it on to the show. Here's how it went....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/were_on_air_welcome_to_the_con.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/were_on_air_welcome_to_the_con.html" rel="bookmark">Thursday's show - what you said
Hi there. Feel free keep on posting at the bottom of %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/were_on_air_welcome_to_the_con.html">this entry. As Anu described %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/making_up_history_and_iraq_bod.html">in detail earlier, three stories made it on to the show. Here's how it went....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/were_on_air_welcome_to_the_con.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/making_up_history_and_iraq_bod.html" rel="bookmark">Making (up?) history..... and Iraq body count
Thanks for all your questions and comments on last night's debate. As he was leaving the studio, %3Ca%20href="https://www.guardian.co.uk/islam/story/0,,1362386,00.html">Ajmal Masroor wanted me to show him your messages, so I introduced him to the blog and he did say he would log on and answer the questions that didn't get on air. So if you're reading this Ajmal, please do! But I digress.....
Today, France has %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6043730.stm">passed a bill that makes it a crime to deny that %3Ca%20href="https://www.genocide1915.info/">Armenians suffered "genocide" at the hands of the Turks during World War I. Turkey says they died, but it wasn't genocide. Can you legislate history? If you're in France or Turkey, do you believe Turkey should be forced to confront its past? Or should France mind its own business? See what others are saying on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ online debate %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4247&&edition=2&ttl=20061012132301">here, or post below.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/making_up_history_and_iraq_bod.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/making_up_history_and_iraq_bod.html" rel="bookmark">Making (up?) history..... and Iraq body count
Thanks for all your questions and comments on last night's debate. As he was leaving the studio, %3Ca%20href="https://www.guardian.co.uk/islam/story/0,,1362386,00.html">Ajmal Masroor wanted me to show him your messages, so I introduced him to the blog and he did say he would log on and answer the questions that didn't get on air. So if you're reading this Ajmal, please do! But I digress.....
Today, France has %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6043730.stm">passed a bill that makes it a crime to deny that %3Ca%20href="https://www.genocide1915.info/">Armenians suffered "genocide" at the hands of the Turks during World War I. Turkey says they died, but it wasn't genocide. Can you legislate history? If you're in France or Turkey, do you believe Turkey should be forced to confront its past? Or should France mind its own business? See what others are saying on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ online debate %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4247&&edition=2&ttl=20061012132301">here, or post below.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/making_up_history_and_iraq_bod.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_live_on_air.html" rel="bookmark">Wednesday's On Air debate
Hi, it's Paul Coletti here again (they still haven't given me a log in!) not Priyah.
We've got %3Ca%20href="https://www.religions.divinity.gla.ac.uk/staffmembers/monasiddiqui.html">Dr Mona Siddiqui in our Glasgow studio and here in London we've Ajmal Masroor, a spokeman for the %3Ca%20href="https://www.isb.org.uk/pages06/home.asp">Islamic Society of Britain .
They are ready to answer any question you have about the religion of Islam. Phone us on +44 2070837272 if you want to speak on air or if you'd like to leave a comment while we broadcast just click the link below and I will do my utmost to get it to Anu who is presenting today. If it's erudite, passionate and informed then I'll make sure it gets read out. . . oh, and it helps if you keep it under 16 paragraphs too :)
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_live_on_air.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_live_on_air.html" rel="bookmark">Wednesday's On Air debate
Hi, it's Paul Coletti here again (they still haven't given me a log in!) not Priyah.
We've got %3Ca%20href="https://www.religions.divinity.gla.ac.uk/staffmembers/monasiddiqui.html">Dr Mona Siddiqui in our Glasgow studio and here in London we've Ajmal Masroor, a spokeman for the %3Ca%20href="https://www.isb.org.uk/pages06/home.asp">Islamic Society of Britain .
They are ready to answer any question you have about the religion of Islam. Phone us on +44 2070837272 if you want to speak on air or if you'd like to leave a comment while we broadcast just click the link below and I will do my utmost to get it to Anu who is presenting today. If it's erudite, passionate and informed then I'll make sure it gets read out. . . oh, and it helps if you keep it under 16 paragraphs too :)
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_live_on_air.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/salafi_wahhabi_shia_sunni_your.html" rel="bookmark">Salafi, Wahhabi, Shia or Sunni? Your Questions on Islam & Muslims
We discussed lots of our own ideas today, but judging from %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/on_air_veiled_comments.html">your responses to the debate about veiled Muslim women... and the counter-argument that the debate has been sparked by misunderstandings..... we decided to devote today's programme to your questions on Islam and Muslims. So if you want to know what the Koran says about veils, or the difference between Shia & Sunni, or the concept of jihad, get in touch to take part in today's show.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/salafi_wahhabi_shia_sunni_your.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/salafi_wahhabi_shia_sunni_your.html" rel="bookmark">Salafi, Wahhabi, Shia or Sunni? Your Questions on Islam & Muslims
We discussed lots of our own ideas today, but judging from %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/on_air_veiled_comments.html">your responses to the debate about veiled Muslim women... and the counter-argument that the debate has been sparked by misunderstandings..... we decided to devote today's programme to your questions on Islam and Muslims. So if you want to know what the Koran says about veils, or the difference between Shia & Sunni, or the concept of jihad, get in touch to take part in today's show.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/salafi_wahhabi_shia_sunni_your.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_comments.html" rel="bookmark">Tuesday's On Air comments
Hi, this is %3Ca%20href="https://www.coletti.co.uk">Paul Coletti, not Ros Atkins (I'm new so I don't have a log in yet!) but tonight's comments on the show are coming in thick and fast. As you all probably know by now we are discussing North Korea and we want to know what you would do if you were in charge.
If you want your comment aired then please leave a message right here. Click on 'Comments' below. Click on this %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_comments.html">post to read what people are saying.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_comments.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_comments.html" rel="bookmark">Tuesday's On Air comments
Hi, this is %3Ca%20href="https://www.coletti.co.uk">Paul Coletti, not Ros Atkins (I'm new so I don't have a log in yet!) but tonight's comments on the show are coming in thick and fast. As you all probably know by now we are discussing North Korea and we want to know what you would do if you were in charge.
If you want your comment aired then please leave a message right here. Click on 'Comments' below. Click on this %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_comments.html">post to read what people are saying.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesdays_on_air_comments.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/north_korea_whats_your_plan.html" rel="bookmark">North Korea: What's Your Plan?
Hi there. North Korea remains top of %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/">the headlines and your conversations and for the moment we're planning to devote a lot of the show to hearing how you think the world %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4191&&&edition=2&ttl=20061010131952">should stop North Korea carrying out another nuclear test.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/north_korea_whats_your_plan.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/north_korea_whats_your_plan.html" rel="bookmark">North Korea: What's Your Plan?
Hi there. North Korea remains top of %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/">the headlines and your conversations and for the moment we're planning to devote a lot of the show to hearing how you think the world %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4191&&&edition=2&ttl=20061010131952">should stop North Korea carrying out another nuclear test.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/north_korea_whats_your_plan.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/ideas_for_todays_programme_1.html" rel="bookmark">Ideas for today's programme...
Our meeting begins at about 11am GMT and this is when we all sit down and decide what we should do on today's programme. If you have any ideas or suggestions or comments please get them into us double quick using the form below. That way we can consider them properly.
Here are some of my suggestions....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/ideas_for_todays_programme_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/ideas_for_todays_programme_1.html" rel="bookmark">Ideas for today's programme...
Our meeting begins at about 11am GMT and this is when we all sit down and decide what we should do on today's programme. If you have any ideas or suggestions or comments please get them into us double quick using the form below. That way we can consider them properly.
Here are some of my suggestions....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/ideas_for_todays_programme_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/more_of_your_comments_on_tonig.html" rel="bookmark">More of your comments on tonight's show
Hi. It's Ros here. I am just about to turn my computer off in the studio but as I promised I wanted to post some more of your comments on tonight's show. For all the details on what we were discussing see %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_agenda.html">my post from earlier. Thanks for all of your messages and speak to you tomorrow.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/more_of_your_comments_on_tonig.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/more_of_your_comments_on_tonig.html" rel="bookmark">More of your comments on tonight's show
Hi. It's Ros here. I am just about to turn my computer off in the studio but as I promised I wanted to post some more of your comments on tonight's show. For all the details on what we were discussing see %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_agenda.html">my post from earlier. Thanks for all of your messages and speak to you tomorrow.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/more_of_your_comments_on_tonig.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_agenda.html" rel="bookmark">Today's agenda
Apologies for our silence so far today. I'd offer excuses but they're not too interesting so I'll just get on with it. North Korea's nuclear test is sure to dominate today's programme. Our %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4191&&&edition=2&ttl=20061009140921">Have Your Say debate has received thousands of your messages, and %3Ca%20href="https://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&q=north+korea">the world's news sites are awash with reaction.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_agenda.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_agenda.html" rel="bookmark">Today's agenda
Apologies for our silence so far today. I'd offer excuses but they're not too interesting so I'll just get on with it. North Korea's nuclear test is sure to dominate today's programme. Our %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4191&&&edition=2&ttl=20061009140921">Have Your Say debate has received thousands of your messages, and %3Ca%20href="https://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&q=north+korea">the world's news sites are awash with reaction.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/todays_agenda.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/on_air_veiled_comments.html" rel="bookmark">VEILED COMMENTS
Many of you in Britain and Europe have already been debating comments by British MP Jack Straw, that the full Islamic veil- which shows only a woman's eyes..... promotes separateness and damages community relations.
Should a woman, especially one who lives in a NON-Islamic country wear a full veil?
Anisah, says:
"I am a Muslim woman. I cover up from head to toe. Pretty naturally, Straw's comments have enraged me. Am I being told how to dress in my own home country??
But Ron, writes:
It is only a small step from the veil to hanging a woman for adultery.
Do you wear a veil for religious or other reasons? Have you ever been asked to remove it?
Do full-face veils, or other religious dress, hurt community relations?
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/on_air_veiled_comments.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/on_air_veiled_comments.html" rel="bookmark">VEILED COMMENTS
Many of you in Britain and Europe have already been debating comments by British MP Jack Straw, that the full Islamic veil- which shows only a woman's eyes..... promotes separateness and damages community relations.
Should a woman, especially one who lives in a NON-Islamic country wear a full veil?
Anisah, says:
"I am a Muslim woman. I cover up from head to toe. Pretty naturally, Straw's comments have enraged me. Am I being told how to dress in my own home country??
But Ron, writes:
It is only a small step from the veil to hanging a woman for adultery.
Do you wear a veil for religious or other reasons? Have you ever been asked to remove it?
Do full-face veils, or other religious dress, hurt community relations?
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/on_air_veiled_comments.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/lifting_the_veil.html" rel="bookmark">Lifting the Veil
Not even a close call today on the big talking point here. The former Foreign Secretary %3Ca%20href="https://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1381.asp">Jack Straw has created a %3Ca%20href="https://today.reuters.co.uk/news/articlenews.aspx?type=topNews&storyID=2006-10-06T062520Z_01_L05704581_RTRUKOC_0_UK-RELIGION-BRITAIN-VEIL.xml">furore ( i was going to say "storm" but thought better of it ) with his comments about Muslim women wearing the veil. It's worth reading %3Ca%20href="https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/blog/index.var.488.0.i_want_to_unveil_my_views_on_an_important_issue.php">what he actually said here. And %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/5411954.stm">here you'll find a "guide" to Muslim headwear. And %3Ca%20href="https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/10/06/nveils306.xml">here is one British newspaper's take on what the Koran does or doen't say about it.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/lifting_the_veil.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/lifting_the_veil.html" rel="bookmark">Lifting the Veil
Not even a close call today on the big talking point here. The former Foreign Secretary %3Ca%20href="https://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1381.asp">Jack Straw has created a %3Ca%20href="https://today.reuters.co.uk/news/articlenews.aspx?type=topNews&storyID=2006-10-06T062520Z_01_L05704581_RTRUKOC_0_UK-RELIGION-BRITAIN-VEIL.xml">furore ( i was going to say "storm" but thought better of it ) with his comments about Muslim women wearing the veil. It's worth reading %3Ca%20href="https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/blog/index.var.488.0.i_want_to_unveil_my_views_on_an_important_issue.php">what he actually said here. And %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/5411954.stm">here you'll find a "guide" to Muslim headwear. And %3Ca%20href="https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/10/06/nveils306.xml">here is one British newspaper's take on what the Koran does or doen't say about it.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/lifting_the_veil.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/your_comments_keep_arriving.html" rel="bookmark">Your comments keep arriving
I found today's discussion riveting and as I'm sitting here in the studio after the show your comments continue to arrive. So %3Ca%20href="https://www.tfl.gov.uk/buses/">the bus home can wait a while as I want to make sure the points we couldn't get on air end up on the blog.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/your_comments_keep_arriving.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/your_comments_keep_arriving.html" rel="bookmark">Your comments keep arriving
I found today's discussion riveting and as I'm sitting here in the studio after the show your comments continue to arrive. So %3Ca%20href="https://www.tfl.gov.uk/buses/">the bus home can wait a while as I want to make sure the points we couldn't get on air end up on the blog.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/your_comments_keep_arriving.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/thursday_onair.html" rel="bookmark">Thursday On-Air
Today's hot topics are whether you should check your political and moral views at the door when you go to work, and whether celebrity adoptions of children from developing countries are a good thing or not. You can read up on these stories in the blog posts below, use the link on the right to listen to the show over the internet, and then let us know what you think. You can email, text or call - the links on the right will tell you how.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/thursday_onair.html" rel="bookmark">Thursday On-Air
Today's hot topics are whether you should check your political and moral views at the door when you go to work, and whether celebrity adoptions of children from developing countries are a good thing or not. You can read up on these stories in the blog posts below, use the link on the right to listen to the show over the internet, and then let us know what you think. You can email, text or call - the links on the right will tell you how.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/adopting_a_position.html" rel="bookmark">Adopting a position
When you're at work, should you leave your politics, your morals and your religion at the door? A big talking point here in Britain is the story of a %3Ca%20href="https://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aOvp8_fVVFsA&refer=europe">Muslim police officer who was excused guard duty at the Israeli embassy. The officer - who has a Lebanese wife - is quoted as having felt "uncomfortable and unsafe" and asked to be posted elsewhere.
Some here say if he joins the police he should be prepared to do anything he's asked to, others say it wasn't unreasonable, there were plenty of other police officers who could do the job, and they knew he was a Muslim when he was taken on.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/adopting_a_position.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/adopting_a_position.html" rel="bookmark">Adopting a position
When you're at work, should you leave your politics, your morals and your religion at the door? A big talking point here in Britain is the story of a %3Ca%20href="https://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085&sid=aOvp8_fVVFsA&refer=europe">Muslim police officer who was excused guard duty at the Israeli embassy. The officer - who has a Lebanese wife - is quoted as having felt "uncomfortable and unsafe" and asked to be posted elsewhere.
Some here say if he joins the police he should be prepared to do anything he's asked to, others say it wasn't unreasonable, there were plenty of other police officers who could do the job, and they knew he was a Muslim when he was taken on.
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/adopting_a_position.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/speedy_gonzalez.html" rel="bookmark">Speedy Gonzalez
Morning blog fans. A pretty swift post this morning as Priya and I are off for some computer training very shortly. I case you were wondering i'm feeling decidedly %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/this_mornings_morning.html">un-average this morning, in fact i'm positively chipper about the prospects for today's show. What do you think about this lot?..
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/speedy_gonzalez.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/speedy_gonzalez.html" rel="bookmark">Speedy Gonzalez
Morning blog fans. A pretty swift post this morning as Priya and I are off for some computer training very shortly. I case you were wondering i'm feeling decidedly %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/this_mornings_morning.html">un-average this morning, in fact i'm positively chipper about the prospects for today's show. What do you think about this lot?..
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/speedy_gonzalez.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_onair.html" rel="bookmark">Wednesday On-Air
In the wake of several school shootings in the United States, we're following up on yesterday's "More Guns, More Crime?" debate. There's been another huge response today, and you want to talk about safety in schools - how far should we go to make sure they are safe?
Tagyal thinks strong measures are needed:
"I would say each and every Student, Teacher and Staff to be thoroughly searched (and stripped of anything weapon-like) at the School gate and let them in. Also, searching and clearing the school compound of such things too. At least we know the compound is safe and so are people coming in. But we can never to be secured from social mishappenings."
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_onair.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_onair.html" rel="bookmark">Wednesday On-Air
In the wake of several school shootings in the United States, we're following up on yesterday's "More Guns, More Crime?" debate. There's been another huge response today, and you want to talk about safety in schools - how far should we go to make sure they are safe?
Tagyal thinks strong measures are needed:
"I would say each and every Student, Teacher and Staff to be thoroughly searched (and stripped of anything weapon-like) at the School gate and let them in. Also, searching and clearing the school compound of such things too. At least we know the compound is safe and so are people coming in. But we can never to be secured from social mishappenings."
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/wednesday_onair.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/school_safety_calling_koreans.html" rel="bookmark">School Violence & Calling Koreans
Hi Everyone, I think even %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/this_mornings_morning.html">Richard feels better after our meeting, where we discussed some top ideas, including ones you've sent in. Wesley and hopefully Mary will be joining us on air to throw our their suggestions. If you want to join them, get yourself down to the bottom of this page and post your own idea now. Or %3Ca%20href="mailto:worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk">email us. So many of you called in on the gun debate. It's clearly an issue close to home, no matter where you live. Today, we're wondering how much security exists at your local school. %3Ca%20href="https://www.cnn.com/2006/EDUCATION/10/02/bush.school.violence.ap/">President Bush will be talking about school violence. Can schools ever be totally safe?
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/school_safety_calling_koreans.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/this_mornings_morning.html" rel="bookmark">This morning's morning
Hello world. I think for the first time in my life I don't have that much to say. I'm not particularly angry, i'm not particularly sad, and i'm not particularly happy. In fact I feel decidedly average (a very strange feeling for me).
So at the risk of making you feel average i'll ask for your help. I want to know what you've seen, heard or read today that's made you feel angry, sad, happy or in fact any emotion as long as you don't say average (or an emotion to that effect)!
Right, on to today. I think you'll be able to guess the first story on the list....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/this_mornings_morning.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesday_onair.html" rel="bookmark">Tuesday On-air
There's no question that the "More Guns-More Crime?" debate has touched a nerve with you, though we are of course monitoring the %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/5403976.stm">hijack story in Brindisi.
Not everyone is impressed we're discussing this.. We had this comment from "ES" in Pennsylvania..
" Suicide notes and telephone calls indicated that Roberts was angry at life, he was angry at God. This had been brewing for 20 years, and all you can focus on is what he used to kill with? No wonder we have so many problems in the world."...
Joe and Kate were the first callers on...
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/tuesday_onair.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/triggering_debate.html" rel="bookmark">Triggering debate

As %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/premeeting_notes.html">Richard says, there have been three school shootings in the past week in the US, including the %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5401478.stm">one in Pennsylvania yesterday. So what's the answer? Does it lie with gun ownership? Or is it something about the culture of America? %3Ca%20href="https://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=4075&start=0&&&edition=2&ttl=20061003141021">Join the online debate and keep reading for more....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/triggering_debate.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/premeeting_notes.html" rel="bookmark">Pre-meeting notes
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening or good night bloggers. What ever time of day it is where you are I hope you are well. Before I give you the low down on what stories are knocking around i'd like to give you a little glimpse in the murky world of WHYS meetings. As %3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/09/iraq_cause_or_excuse.html">Anu wrote last week some of our meetings can be quite, let's say, heated. But most of the time they're very civilised and brimming with ideas. Sometimes though there are ideas that come up again and again which always seems to end up on the cutting room floor. One such idea is....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/premeeting_notes.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/the_age_of_reason.html" rel="bookmark">The age of reason
Just finished our meeting where about twelve "possibles" got whittled down to two main ones.
We're going to try to get a supporter of Fatah and a supporter of Hamas to debate with each other under the loose question "Who Should Run Gaza?", following what appears to be %3Ca%20href="https://today.reuters.co.uk/news/articlenews.aspx?type=worldNews&storyID=2006-10-02T084850Z_01_SPI229324_RTRUKOC_0_UK-MIDEAST.xml&WTmodLoc=World-C1-Headline-10">escalating violence there.
The idea would be to hear from them, and then get people around the world to give us their views - and pose their questions.
The other issue we'll look at is age discrimination.....
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/the_age_of_reason.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/what_shall_we_talk_about_today_1.html" rel="bookmark">What shall we talk about today?
There are a few stories kicking around today which caught our eye:
%3Ca%20href="/blogs/worldhaveyoursay/2006/10/what_shall_we_talk_about_today_1.html#more" rel="bookmark">Read the rest of this entry
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