Over to you....
I've been asked to appear (again) on the World Service programme "Over To You" to talk about World Have Your Say .
They recorded an interview with me yesterday and recorded our morning editorial meeting and the programme goes out over the weekend.
The criticisms of the programme (ours, not theirs) range from the fair enough (" sometimes it's hard to hear some of the phone callers") to the frankly insulting ("the uninformed talking to the unwashed") . It'll be interesting to hear how they edit the interview and please feel free to let me know what you thought of it.
On another note, i heard from one of our former guests this week ; Francesca Martinez, who appeared on a programme we did discussing the word "spaz" after Tiger Woods said it. She's now got her own site, and i said i'd . She was an excellent and engaging guest - many of you wrote to tell us- and i hope she'll be on again in the future.
Finally, a big thanks to Justin and Steve who not only post regulalrly here, and have been great supporters of the programme, but they were the first listeners to join our editorial meetings this week, and they made quite an impression. If you fancy doing it one day, i think you know by now how to contact us.
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