Welcome to tonight's show, Ruth blogging your views all over the world. Get in touch using the details on the right.
Tonight we're talking about the exchange of information between the US and Europe.
How much personal information would you share for security's sake?
Also, should immigrants be told it's not acceptable to stone women?
Read the earlier post for details
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How much should the authorities know about you?
The US government wants access to information about , including bank transactions, past flight information and where you sat.
Washington says access to international bank transactions and passenger records is essential for its war on terror - European MEPs say it breaches European privacy rules.
Is the war on terror a sufficient reason to have this information?
We'd like to hear from you.
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Ruth here with the not so early morning blog. A few ideas to get you going...
The European Parliament is to debate how much on air passengers and bank transactions is fed into a US anti-terror profiling system. This comes on top of the US government demanding all ten of your fingerprints. Who's right?
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Tonight we're devoting the entire programme to the issue of gambling. What's gambling like in your country? Is it a sin or just a harmless bit of fun? Would you like a super casino in your town? or maybe you already have one and would like to talk about.
You can read all the emails and messages as well as post your own
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Ruth blogging and we've got one vice in mind today: gambling. Britain's first Las Vegas style super-casino is , while in Russia President Putin has ordered all . Are casinos beneficial to the local economy? Or a blight on the community?
The dark side of gambling is . The exponential growth of companies means it's never been easier to have a flutter wherever you are in the world. Does gambling online remove social stigma? Is gambling too easy and accesible now?
In the U.K, doctors have called for gambling addicts to be t on the National Health Service. How far are you responsible for your gambling? When does gambling become a problem? This by could tell you if you are a compulsive gambler.
The U.S have online gambling. Do you think your country needs further restrictions?
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Ok, so I'm not quite sure how I've done it but I think this is the first time I have made an early apperance at Television Centre for a good few weeks. Although after this little confession, I reckon I may get a few more shifts over on this side of town. Let's see if I can remember how to do this..
The looks at the campaign strategy used by House Speaker and . Both women have played up their roles as mothers and/or grandmother alongside their political expertise, the NYT asks if it's right to use it as an asset or is it a step backwards.
Tell us what you think.
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As you may have read here earlier, today we are asking if, and why, young Muslims are more political, and whether people should practice what they preach. Particularly Prince Charles. Read why we are talking about these issues here.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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1. A of young British Muslims shows that thirty-one percent believe that if a Muslim converts to another religion they should be punished by death, compared to only one-in-five (19 per cent) of those aged 55 or older. Younger Muslims also are more in favour of the veils and Sharia Law than their elders. Why are young Muslims more radical?
Read on for more on today's discussions...
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Well, no, if you believe the author of a controversial new book called . He reckons homework increases family tensions, puts kids off work and, in the end doesn't make a difference to their exam scores. Instead he thinks kids should be allowed to relax after school and be given time to regenerate their their little minds for the next day's study. But what do you think? Is homework a waste of time? Or is it absolutely necessary for a child's intellectual development?
Right, what's else's about...
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Hello, Ruth blogging your thoughts, comments, emails and texts tonight. Get in touch by phone, email or SMS, details on the right =>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Do you think memorials serve a purpose? Do they help you think about the past or maybe they don't mean anything at all to you? We'd also like to hear your suggestions for memorials that haven't yet been built.
Spain is standardising all women's sizes and fattening up its mannequins. Do you think government legislation can change people's bodies?
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Update: It's now Friday and we have an official response from the World Service Commissioners:
"We're very sorry that listeners to WETA will no longer be able to listen to progammmes such as World Have Your Say. We're afraid that this decision is one taken by WETA and has nothing to do with the 大象传媒. We do hope that listeners will be able to hear 大象传媒 programmes through the public radio station WAMU in DC as well as through satellite radio on Sirius and XM and, of course, via streaming on the internet."
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Tonight we'll be talking about memorials and friends. . . read on for more details.
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This is the time of day when we pore over the early shift's ideas (coutesy of Peter today - I quite like the Spanish clothes size story) and try to come up with new ones. Do ring if you'd like to take part. Hearing about talking points from all over the globe is our food for thought. Listener Simon B has just posted to say he'd like to hear people's views on criminal sentencing: "It's interesting to compare the lenient treatment of the Brit who used child porn with Singapore's execution of two African drug smugglers - despite pleas for clemency by Nigeria's president and the UN. I'd like to hear people's views."
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Good morning, how's it going? I'm looking around for stories but you're welcome to help.
My approach is a bit scattergun this morning but let's start with to try to ease pressure on girls over their body image.
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Its that time again folks - We're on air for the next hour. As paul told you earlier we're asking what is Britishness and what do you think of
If you'd like to take part please call us +44 20 70 83 72 72 or post a comment
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It's Britishness and Second life for tonight's talking points.
Can you teach Britishness? Should you teach it? And the phenomenon that is Second Life . . . do these folks seriously need to get a real life? Read on for more . . .
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Good morning and welcome to the morning meeting. Phone us on +442075570635 if you'd like to join us on our speakerphone! Read on for early ideas including: the rise of the economy, -- should it be taught and the hot new weapon of choice for the US military, the .
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It's that time again, Ruth to blog the programme tonight.
Is it the government, businesses or the individual that bears the most responsibility for climate change?
George Bush wants US citizens to cut their gasoline consumption by - Would you be prepared to cut your petrol use for the environment?
Post your comment
Should Christians be legally compelled to act against their beliefs? Read the about UK discrimination laws that will require Catholic adoption agencies to place children with gay couples.
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Is it the government, corporations or the individual?
Ruth blogging today and it's an energy special today following President Bush's address. We want to hear your opinions on energy conservation.
And...should legislation force people to act against their beliefs? The heads of both Christians churches in the UK are campaigning against anti-discrimination legislation that would require Catholic adoption agencies to place children with gay couples. Tony Blair is pushing for an opt-out for the church - what do you think?
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Morning all, from a rather snowy London! The snow has caused havoc to the London Underground so apologies if this post finds you slightly later than normal.
So did you watch President Bush give his address? I was tucked up in bed but heard a 大象传媒 correspondent on the World Service say this morning that Bush was "close to begging" for his country's support on Iraq. ?
All week we've been asking how you feel about the news from Iraq, but we haven't had chance to discuss it on air properly yet. Should we discuss it today?
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As Madeline wrote earlier, today we're going to be asking if Americans should care what the world thinks of them, following a 大象传媒 survey which found a lot of negative feeling towards the country. We'll also be talking to people in Lebanon after a violent day of clashes there. And we'll be asking if the South African government are right to forcibly detain patients with TB.
Post your comment now.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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March 2nd: Thanks to everyone who contributed to our programme discussing this question. There's been a massive response to this blog post, and it was great to be able to put the conversation on air. We heard from Iraqis both at home and abroad, 大象传媒 correspondents, and lots of listeners called in to ask questions and share their views.
Kenneth was one listener who caught the show:
I was very moved by the topic, in particular the emotional voice of the exiled Iraqi doctor: she put the awful situation into words and feelings. The situation is so terrible, and so mis-managed, as one of the studio guests pointed out.
Thanks to everyone who contributed. You can read some of the texts that came in here, and keep the conversation going here on the blog. Here's the original blog entry from Jan 23rd that started it all off:
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Hi there. Madeleine here disguised as Ros. Lots of great ideas we could talk about in today's show, but we can't have them all, so this is what it's been whittled down to.
Does it matter the world has a worsening image of the United States? A has found that over the last year the view of the US in 25 countries has deteriorated. But does it matter? We're particularly keen to hear from Americans, so get in touch.
What should President Bush do to reduce America's energy consumption? Ahead of Bush's and the recent letter to him from heads of major corporations on climate change - Are you prepared to change your lifestyle to help the environment and reduce dependence on foreign oil?
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I live in Johannesburg, and am a mother of a two-year old boy and a wife. I like spending time with my family though I'm never home coz of the ungodly hours I work. 3am I should be in the office to go on air at 5:30, Monday to Friday. I only have two days every week to myself and my family.
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And it's cold in London. Of course, the actual numbers don't look like much - it's not below zero or anything like that - but it somehow cut straight through to chill me inside. I'm going to watch and no doubt that will be a nasty experience - definitely for the temperature and probably for the football. But hopefully not for the score (although with one league win all season hope is very much flying in the face of experience there).
Anyway, what would you like to talk about today? On last night's programme we asked you how you feel when you hear news like . We had some very honest responses - do you want to continue that discussion?
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As Ros wrote earlier, today we're talking about the - what do they want? , can she do it? and Turkish journalist , who is to blame for his death?
Post your comment now.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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Have you had an e-Mail from Hillary Rodham Clinton? The former First Lady has for the '08 US elections. In her online she says she's "in to win" and that she "wants to start a conversation" with you. what dem bloggers at DailyKos think about it all. Mrs Clinton carries a lot of what certain media analysts call 'baggage' and is up against a slick mover in the guise of Mr Obama. Can she do it?
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I live on two wooded acres in Westmoreland County, Virginia, within walking distance of the Potomac River. Our beautiful county is very rural, but quite historic, as it was the birthplace of Presidents George Washington and James Monroe and also of Civil War General Robert E. Lee.
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I am originally from Hanover, New Hampshire but have spent most of my life in Baltimore, Maryland--which I like because we get all four seasons, and it's within a day's drive of Washington D.C., the Chesapeake Bay & Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Green Ridge Mountains.
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My name is Saeed Jahed. I was born 23 years ago in the small city of Bojnourd in Iran. Then, 14 years later, I immigrated to Canada with my parents.
Earlier this year I graduated from a computer science and mathematics program, not knowing what the next step in my life would be.
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Hi there! My name is Laura and I'm Italian. I currently live in Preston in the UK, where I am studying online journalism at UCLan (University of Central Lancashire). As soon as I finish university, I鈥檇 like to go back to London, find a job, settle down, start my first mortgage and stop paying rents!
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I live in Mexico city. I really like to learn about other cultures by reading news around the world and having pen pals. I was a girl scout and I had the opportunity to make friends from other countries. I speak Spanish, English and French and this skill helped me getting in contact with a lot of people.
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I live in Accra, Ghana. I'm a student at a university. I read a lot, I like to take walks, and I play my favourite sport, tennis. Accra is a cosmopolitan city, some parts busy and most parts residential. I don't work, but plan to work during long-vacations.
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I live in Gent, Belgium. I like listening to news, watching football and reading about new inventions and discoveries in scientific fields in general and my environmental field, in particular.
Unfortunately I now live in an artificially built up environment in the so-called "western world" here in Belgium. I must say my sweet home, Eya-nchang Village, Mamfe, Cameroon is a naturally driven environment in the heart of the rain forest in Africa.
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Good morning and welcome to World Have Your Say's early look at the talking points. It's Colts v Bears in American Football's but what caught my eye was CNN's take on this story: when the teams meet in Miami on February 4th it willl be the first time two take the top spots on the sidelines: Lovie Smith for the Bears; Tony Dungy for the Colts.
Is this a historic moment for black equality in America? what one blogger thinks.

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It's Ruth blogging your thoughts and comments tonight.
Should a dead man become a father? An Israeli soldier is to almost five years after he died. He has never met the mother.
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How far would you go to have a child? killed in the Gaza strip is to become a father almost five years after he died. He has never met the mother. The parents asked to have his sperm extracted as they say his greatest wish was to have been a father.
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Ruth here to blog your views on race during tonight's programme.
Call, text or email, all the details are on the right =>>>>>>>>
Is Britain racist? . Is the conduct in the house representative of Britain as a whole? Or has the whole thing been blown out of proportion?
Does caste matter to Indian police? , many of them children were found in a house near Delhi. Slum dwellers have been reporting missing children for two years but have been ignored by the police. but should reform of the Indian police force go further?
Should we ban the swastika? Germany says yes, - it's a holy symbol to them. What do you think?
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Racism, Class, Hypocrisy and Free Speech - our topics for today
Racist Britain? British or not, we'd like to hear your experiences - have you found Britons racist?
Get in touch, call us +44 20 70 83 72 72, text +44 77 86 20 60 80 or email worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk
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I'm a media student. So right now I'm studying journalism, film, radio, advertising and all that jazz. Films are my passion, and music is my muse. I write poetry once in awhile. My imagination is constantly running wild.
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Tonight鈥檚 topics as blogged by Ruth earlier
Israeli army chief resigns
Barack Obama
Muhammed Ali
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It's Ruth on the blog (is that a better phrase, James?) today and here are the topics we're discussing on the show.
is the Democrats' great hope for the next president, speaking to thronging crowds wherever he goes. We're asking today ?
Israeli army chief . In his he said "there is no army as moral as the IDF (Israel Defence Force)" - what do you think?
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Good morning, good morning, it's James here, back in the WHYS blogging saddle (any suggestions for a better way of phrasing that gladly received) after a bit of a break. As usual I write this as the first coffee is just working its way into my system, so i'll publish first, and hope that my creativity grows along with the length of the post. Here's some starters to get you going - as usual if you have any great ideas, add them to the blog.
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Good evening, it's Tuesday night and you've got Ruth again, I'm afraid.
Get in touch and get involved tonight by email, text or phone. The details are on the right hand side >>>>>>>
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Hi there. Lots of you have been talking about the new film (which protrays life in Uganda under Idi Amin) and whether film-makers give accurate portrayals of Africa. Clearly in the LA Times doesn't think so.
Is this film a sign that Hollywood can treat Africa and African subjects with the subtleties they offer other subject matter? Or is it only murder and mayhem or colonial nostalgia that gets the big audiences and so the attention of the major studios? Read on for our other talking points...
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Hi! I'm Ashley Mitchell, a 17 year old student from Walthamstow, East London. I'm a sports fanatic so if I'm taught how to play it, my only aim is to master it, which really says an awful lot about my personality in general.
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I write the WHYS daily email after we've chosen the stories of the day. It's sent out around 1400GMT every week day (but don't hold me to that time), and will contain details of the discussions on the show, as well as info on upcoming trips, or particular programmes we're planning. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to get involved in the show.
So if you'd like to receive it, send me a message and I'll add you to the list right away. And don't worry, your address will go no further than my PC. No-one else will see it, and if you want to be taken off the list, I'll do it the second I hear from you.
We're live now talking about Moroccan press freedom, how charities spend your money and the testy exchange between Senator Boxer and Condi Rice. You can listen live here.
You can also e-Mail, text or phone us. The details are on the right hand side >>>>>
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First things first, a warm welcome to all of you in Portland, Oregon. From today WHYS is being broadcast on and we can't wait to hear from you.
If it's not too forward to say on a first date, you're very welcome to sign up to the daily WHYS email. Just email me if you'd like to be added to the list.
So three subjects today... first off the issue of whether your charitable donations are reaching the people you want to help....
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Yes, Dear Listener, I woke this morning to the scary news that in the 1950s, the French PM popped over to London to propose that the UK and France with "common citizenship" between the countries. If you're French, does that get you talking? Could anything be achieved today by such a union? I can't help but wonder at the endless possibilities. . .
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As Ros wrote earlier, today we're talking to Joel Stein and US rapper NY Oil, about David Beckham!
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You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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is a rapper from New York, he's on the show tonight and in a track downloaded thousands of times on the net, it's 'time you fake-ass gangstas... should all get lynched". We've already talked on WHYS about the use of the 'n-word' by black people - but what about calling for a 'lynching'? with the glorification of violence and prison, and aggressive attitudes towards women. In the track he goes on "Because Martin Luther King died for you to act like this/ This is the best you can come up with?"
So is he right to berate parts of hip-hop culture? Should he use language like this to make his point? Or is this an MC who's seriously out of line? Talk to him later....
Read on for the rest of the show., and if you want to receive the new WHYS daily email, message me now and I'll add you to the list.
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Although I currently live in the south of France, I'm a dark fiction writer, so my imagination could be dwelling anywhere at any given moment. I write short stories, books, poetry, screenplays -- you name it, I've done it. For money, usually, but for love if I must...
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Today's trawl for ideas is a little less frantic than normal seeing as we've already got two great talking points for tonight. Anna set them up and you can read about them here. But to summarise: we'll be talking to Joel stein who hates audience interaction and we' revisit the N-word debate with rapper .
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Did you read my blog post on Monday? What do you mean no? I had just read a hilarious article by LA Times columnist on audience participation. .
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There was only one topic tonight: the new . Take the poll >>>
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President Bush says Baghdad is the heart of the problem in Iraq and he's to sort it out. Today's programme is devoted to your reaction to the announcement. Do you agree with the President's strategy? Will it achieve his goal of stabilising Iraq? And whether you agree with him or not, what should the new troops do? We'll hear your opinions all day here on the blog and and then on air at 18GMT.
Remember I'm now writing a daily WHYS email which runs down our talking points each day. If you'd like to receive it, email me and I'll add you to the list. Speak to you later.
Hey there. I am Reuben Gitahi. I live In Nairobi in one of the suburbs. I am a photography teacher by profession having specialized with it after finishing my journalism course.
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I am a 39 year old 'stay at home' mum of 4. I grew up and live in Nairobi. I am also a Business Woman, marketing, purchasing and supplying fruits and vegetables - specifically export quality pineapples which i source from farms outside of Nairobi to distribute locally from real people who know.
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As Paul wrote earlier, today we're talking about the the EU's "energy revolution", more on Somalia, and we'll be hearing briefly from some of our partner stations in the US ahead of President's speech on his Iraq policy.
Post your comment now.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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The decision has been made . . . some stories made it in to today's show and some didn't. Read on for the tale of the tape:
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...to the legendary animator, , who died earlier this week. He was of course the creator of one of the cartoon world's longest lasting and most lovable characters . In my book, anyone who can claim to have invented "Scoob" deserves nuff respect, so RIP Mr Takamoto.
Ok, on to today...
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Today we talked about Somalia, asking if it's ever ok for a state - wherever in the world - to pass laws that go against people's religious beliefs... Post your comment now.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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Good morning and welcome to the time of the day when we want to know what's getting folks talking. If you've something you think I should be mentioning in this post then e-Mail me now . . . read on for some very early suggestions including one from Steve in Utah:
Hey WHYS gang!
I just came across a nice little gem on the Guardian's News . Apparently, people are wondering if Bindi Irwin, 8, the daughter of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin is too young to launch a media career. Personally, I feel that one of the best things that a person can do is carry on their parents' legacy. If Bindi shunts the power of her new found fame towards the causes that her father championed, I think that he would take pride in her. However, is an 8 year old too young to assume his or her parent's legacy?
Steve in Utah
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We've spoken to thousands of you since WHYS started in October 2005, and without your contributions on air and on the blog, we wouldn't have a show. I say it a lot on air, but we it's worth saying again - your contributions are greatly appreciated... And as we have a section about us, it's high time we have a section about you.
So read on below to find out more about some of the most committed members of the WHYS family... And leave them questions or comments, just like you do for us. And if you'd like to be featured, read on to find out how.
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I live in Budapest, Hungary. My artist name is Zed Zee Zoltan, I'm a singer/songwriter, play the acoustic guitar, and interested in sound technology as well. Also, for some time, I have been doing music journalism on the Hungarian pop/rock and cultural foundation's webport, www.mkka.org.hu . I have a published interview (2005) made with Suzanne Vega in Magyar Nemzet daily paper's weekend supplement, Magazin .
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We've had this suggestion from one of our colleagues from Five Live about skin bleaching. have been sent to prison and fined for selling illegal skin whitening products. And there's clearly a massive market for these products around the world. We're going to try and find out why, and ask if there's anything wrong with changing your skin colour.
Reading online there's no shortage of people prepared to argue against it and we're definitely going to hear from them, but we also want to hear from you if you're one of the millions of people who whiten their skin. Give us your perspective.
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...Not quite the talk you'd expect to hear from a member of the audience embracing World Have Your Say Team really is it? No, it isn't the Monday morning in January blues getting to me. Those words were typed by LA Times columnist Joel Stein, who in , explains his rather unconventional view on audience participation. As you know, we don't necessarily share his view, so in our normal spirit of things, what would you like to talk about on the programme today?
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Hi, it's Hasit here. Tonight we talked about Somalia and the international talks aimed at bringing peace to the region. We're also talking about the 'blasphemy challenge' on YouTube. And we had guest presenter - Dan Moulthrop from WCPN Radio in Cleveland. He's there, and Ros is here as usual in London.
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I've been back in the office only three days and I've had enough of dark and depressing London, so I'm going to India and taking some people with me to produce five programme from there. As ever we're going to talk about what you want so please tell us what you are talking about in India.
We're in Chandigarh on Monday 5th February, Delhi on Tuesday 6th, Hyderabad on 7th and Mumbai on the 8th and 9th, if you want to come along and see us, or ignore us but watch the programme going out live, send us an email and when we've found the venue, we'll send you an invitation.
After Dicky's initial thoughts, a meeting teeming with ideas, and a no smiles 'firm but fair' approach from Mark, this is what we'll be discussing.
And remember today the show will be co-hosted by Dan Moulthrop who'll help run things from the comfort of his studio at in Cleveland. Dan was the main man when we were at out in Cleveland in November - he had a better suit than me but less hair so we called it quits. It's great to have him back on the show.
Right here are the stories....
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Morning Blog fans. Well after yesterdays obvious lead story the waters are some what murkier today. But seen as we've got the whole world to play with it's just a case of looking! Here's what we've got for ya'll today...
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This just in from Dan, Friday's co-presenter from WCPN, Ohio, Cleveland...
Back in November, when WHYS came to Cleveland, Ohio, to cover the U.S. elections (and Rumsfeld鈥檚 departure from the president鈥檚 cabinet), I had the chance to co-present the show from our studio. It was, hands down, the coolest thing I鈥檝e ever been invited to do in broadcast. So I鈥檓 fairly excited to co-present again on Friday...
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I live in the gorgeous (but suffering) country of Palestine. I first came across WHYS when I was asked to join them after taking part in a different show with 大象传媒 radio. I love doing this actually. I love joining in shows and projects like WHYS and I love spending time goofing off with friends!
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I live in North Carolina in the US, and I like racing cars, making music, and listening to 大象传媒, cause US news is lame. I work as a Customer Service Rep for a online advertising . I just love WHYS because its not one sided like the news here in the US.
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I live in Washington, D.C., in the USA, and love it here. My largest hobby outside of school is easily theater, for which I take acting, voice, and movement lessons weekly, in addition to rehearsals. I also enjoy Ultimate Frisbee, which I am honored to play for my school.
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We had two quite dark subjects tonight: the tragic case of and the of more of Iraq's former dictatorship.
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Hasit here (still getting a blog log-in). Saddam's execution, and the manner in which it was carried out, remains a among our listeners.
You have been critical of the Iraqis for the security breach which enabled video footage to be posted on the web, the timing of the hanging to coincide with the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha, and generally the undignified manner in which the hanging took place. Others say that Saddam got what he deserved.
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Reading the newspaper this morning there was only one story that caught my attention. It's that of a girl called who will never grow up. Ashley has a rare brain condition called , which means that while physically she'll grow up, mentally she'll stay as a young child. In 2004...
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Hello, I'm Justin Mann in Phoenix Arizona. I post a lot to World Have Your Say, just do a search, and you'll find that I've definitely have an opinion on something. WHYS is a great program, because it explores the "whys" of the issues that we the listeners want to talk about.
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From child hood I like Hyde Park speakers corner in London and WHYS seems to me modern version of this. Speakers world wide want to bring quality to human life and change behaviour with feelings of universal brotherhood. I feel I am resident resident of this global village I have devotional love with fellow human beings.
I live in the South-eastern part of Michigan, USA and I'm a teacher at a Public High School. I'm also a volunteer with Hope Worldwide of Michigan, I love karate, sewing, reading well written Christian books and museums. I came to enjoy WHYS while listening to NPR in the spring of 2006.
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I'm the appointed Youth Outreach Worker for the African Well Women's Service in Leytonstone, London. As part of my role, I have made links with many organisations working with young people such as youth groups, local Somali football teams and non-African youth groups.
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Good morning. Right off we go for today's meeting. You can call us now on country code 44 20 7557 0635 if you've a story idea. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today.
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I live in South Africa. I am mad about radio. I am with a youth music radio station in Joburg called 99.2 YFM. My slot is on Saturdays 15h00 till 18h00. The show is done in a lingo called Ashifashabbalingo which is a mixture of 5 South African languages.
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I live in Mulanje, 80 kilometres east of Malawi's commercial capital of Blantyre. I am an out going person and very interested in social issues. I very much like following current affairs. I am an environmental journalists currently working with the Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust (MMCT). So I am employed!
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I am a student here in Zambia. I think WHYS say is a little biased towards the West but otherwise it's a lovely programme. I discovered the show because my Dad listens to Sports Round UP and since WHYS follows after the latest bulletin of World News, I came to know of it.
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I live in Tehran, I'm a student in Tehran university. I'd like communicate other people in other parts of world. I want to find out the way they think. I'd like to have friends in all over the world with different cultures.
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I was listening to 大象传媒 when I heard Ros' voice and the way he presented the topic for the day was what really got me hooked. I like every thing except there are some issues you need to discuss for two days concurrently eg your 1st show this year on Saddam Hussien, and you don't always do that.
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I met with Ros Atkins in Germany who interviewed us live during the World Cup and that's how I developed interest in listening to the 大象传媒 and came across the information and intriguing programme - World Have Your Say.
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Tonight we devoted the entire show to gangs and gang culture. There's been a lot of it about recently and heard from Mexico, Rio and the US to name but a few.
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Happy New Year to you all from West London. I have to admit I'm a little bit depressed to be here this morning, but if you check out the photograph of where I spent the last few days seeing in '07 with my nearest and dearest I'm sure you'll understand why.
Thank you to Rosbeg, near Donegal in Ireland for a wonderful stay, and for teaching me what proper weather is!
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Today we asked if you would eat the meat of a cloned animal, if you think dangerous dogs should be banned - or is the problem the owners - and what are the best and worst cities in the world?
Click here to listen, and stay here to read emails and messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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I have listened to the 大象传媒 most of my life, and came to WHYS through your online offerings. I enjoy a fair proportion of the contributions, but dislike the ones where someone is dismissive of or insults other contributors. (There is much less of this on WHYS than in some other blogs, which are regularly punctuated with venom.)
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I've always been an avid listener of National Public Radio and recently when I got a promotion at work, I was afforded the luxury of a computer that allowed me to listen to WCPN's internet feed. Now I skip the usual lunch time while I'm glued to the radio!
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My name is Roberto and I am a US Latin who lives in Miami Florida. There is one thing that surprises many people, that I was born in Ohio [one of the places where there are almost no US Latins]. I am 44 years old and the 大象传媒 has been my constant companion since I was 8 years old.
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I live in Nairobi in Kenya and I'm into Astronomy and all space related topics and anything to do aviation. I'm also into all kinds music but mainly rock. I found WHYS one evening about 18 00 gmt when I was bored of doing my revision so I switched on my radio and the first thing on was WHYS. It had a interesting conversation going on ever since that day I am hooked.
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Thanks to Arjun for calling into the meeting from Kenya. Here's the stories that are making the cut, and the ones that, for the moment, aren't.
There's a lot of people online debating the US food decision to say that cloned animals are safe to eat. I'd like to ask whether you'd take their advice, and eat a cloned animal. And whatever you're answer is, I'd be really interested to hear why, as it's not a subject I feel I know enough about.
Read on for the rest...
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My name is Dan, I live in a suburb of Detroit, MI, USA. I am a student of 5 years and have been studying computer programming languages. When I have free time, I like to explore different places and avenues of recreation, from cycling in the forests, to a short round of golf, and all the things in between.
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I鈥檓 from a small town called Wrexham in North Wales but I鈥檓 studying in Cardiff this year. I lived in Mexico for 10 months when I was doing my undergraduate degree. In my spare time I like catching up with friends, travelling and running (I鈥檝e been known to do the odd half marathon!)
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I found WHYS when my local Public Radio station (WDET, Detroit) started carrying it last year. I took to the show instantly: the combination of global topics and everyday people participating is exactly what I feel like newsmedia needs more of. Too often news shows feature either a closed circle of "experts" in an echo chamber, or the issues discussed are overly narrow and inward looking. WHYS is a genuine attempt at creating a democratic, international dialogue.
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Divas in Nepal
I'm from Nepal and live in Kathmandu. I enjoy expressing myself through writing more than anything else - otherwise as TS Eliot said I feel like I'm choking if I can't express myself.
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I live in St. George, Utah, USA and I listen to WHYS on the 大象传媒 website. My preferred news sources are www.cnn.com, news.yahoo.com, news.bbc.co.uk, , , . I'd list my interests as politics, economics, immigration, foreign perceptions of the United States, news media bias, Internet trends. Here's if you'd like to read it.
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My name is Abdelilah and I live in Marrakesh, Morocco. I listen to World Have Your Say on the website or on 大象传媒 radio broadcasts on NILESAT.
I was born in Marrakesh in Morocco on Dec 28th, 1964 and my listening to the 大象传媒 dates to my childhood. I blog at .
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Today we talked about the execution of Saddam Hussein - you can read some of the emails and text messages that came in during the programme here, and of course post your own comments to join the debate.
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There are so many different issues surrounding the death of Saddam Hussein that we're going to devote the whole show to talking about them. Thousands of you with 大象传媒 News, and you can leave your reaction here on the blog.
Do you think he should have been executed? What did you make of the manner of the execution? Some reports say people as it hung from the noose. Someone was able to film the execution on their mobile phone - are you surprised that was possible? And if you're in Britain and America, do you feel his conviction and execution justify the invasion of Iraq? Many many questions. The ones we focus on will be decided by you.
We're on air at 18GMT and you can listen here. Speak to you later.