ON AIR - Official translations hinder immigrant integration
We're on air at the start of the week, Peter Dobbie is in the hot-seat again. We'll be discussing the debate sparked by a British government minister who has said too much translated material can deter immigrants from learning English and hinder integration. We've had lots of comments coming in today on this subject. Let us know what you're thinking......post a comment here, email us at worldhaveyoursay@bbc.co.uk, text us at +44 77 86 20 60 80 - remember to let us know if you want us to call you back to take part on air, or call +44 20 70 83 72 72
We're also asking 'The Sopranos - why was it such a success?' After 8 years, the US television show came to an end last night. Millions watched the last episode. What made it such a hit? And what did it do for the image of New Jersey?
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