On Air: Has the Nobel Peace Prize gone to the right man ?

This topic was discussed on World Have Your Say on 8 October. Listen to the programme.
Jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo has won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Not quite as surprising as last year’s announcement but I’m sure this years won’t be welcomed by Beijing. Just last month, the Chinese foreign ministry warned the committee not to award him the prize, saying it would be against Nobel principles.
The head of the Nobel Prize committee has described Mr Xiaobo as "the foremost symbol of the wide-ranging struggle for human rights in China". So what will this mean for Human Rights in China?
China will surely view this as an attack on their human rights record so could this announcement do more harm than good? Is this kind of pressure the right way to tackle human rights in China?
thinks the prize will add to international pressure to free him :
By awarding the 2010 Prize to him, the Nobel Committee has restored its reputation after last year's misjudged decision to give the distinction to US President Barack Obama "
respected Channel 4 correspondent Lindsey Hilsum on meeting Liu and looks at the early Twitter reaction...
Shifeike [being retweeted by lots of people on Twitter and Sina Weibo]:
Are there brothers in Shanghai? Let's have a banquet! This is the invitation, we'll meet in the People's Square."