Wild weather worldwide...

 ...That white, fluffy, magical stuff is up to mischief again.
When heavy snow hit Northern Europe only last week, the world wondered why Moscow and Chicago could manage tough weather and why London and Paris couldn't. But even they haven't been spared.
, snow storms are forcing airlines to cancel thousands of flights and causing some places to declare a state of emergency.
Julie in Atlanta posts on our Facebook wall,
'I live in Atlanta where we had our first white Christmas in 128 years. We got a little over an inch of snow. Normally our winters are mild and if get winter weather like that, it does not come all in one month.'
Alice writes,
'We're snowed in here in Queens NY, a lot of people are stranded tonight, my cousin at work included.'
Blizzards are slowing down New York but is that such a bad thing?
And the US isn't the only country affected by freak weather. , dense fog has brought  And in Russia has cut power and infrastructure.
Michael's been in touch to tell us about the situation in the East Cheshire, England where he has been engulfed in snow since November,
'The question is how much is long term changes in weather patterns and how much is just a return to spells of freakish weather that for a long time didn't occur?'
Are you concerned by the extreme weather or is this just a return to how things were? Have you been affected at all?