Make us a new jingle for World Have Your Say
Are there any World Have Your Say listeners out there who are musicians, rappers or poets who might like to make us a new jingle ?  We're launching a second daily edition of WHYS in a couple of weeks time. We'll be on at 1100GMT / 1200BST from Monday to Friday and we're looking for a new jingle. Sing us a song, write us a poem and record something for us. We'd like you to use our original one as a guide but we want you to play around with it in any way you like, to make it sound a bit different.
Have a listen to what the rapper NYOil did with our jingle.
Here's the link to our original jingle:
And here's the jingle adapted and recorded by , a rapper in New York who's also a World Have Your Say listener:
If we like it, we really will use it !