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24 September 2014

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Mobile speed camera in operation
Mobile speed camera in operation

Safety cameras on Cambridgeshire's roads

Keep up-to-date with the latest news on the county's safety cameras, road accident statistics and mobile camera locations...

The Cambridgeshire Safety Camera Partnership operates the county's speed cameras at locations with a history of personal injury accidents.Ìý There are currently 68 fixed safety cameras, and 2 mobile safety camera vans that operate on routes around the county.

The overall aim of the project is to reduce casualties on the roads of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. This is done by high-visibility enforcement of speed limits – the idea of cameras being to slow drivers down rather than to punish them.

Since the Partnership was formed in 2001, safety cameras have contributed to a 55% reduction in the number of people killed and seriously injured at collision hotspots in the county.Ìý There has also been a 17% reduction in average speeds at new camera sites – this equates to a reduction of around 7mph on average. (Source: The National Safety Camera Programme – Three-year evaluation report published by DfT/University College London in June 2004)

Mobile safety cameras

The mobile safety camera vans will be on the following roads:

  • Thurs 29th JuneÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý A141, A14, A1307 & A505
  • Friday 30th JuneÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý A1073, A15, A605, A1123 & A14
  • Mon 3rd JulyÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý A428, A1198, A603 & A1307
  • Tues 4th JulyÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý A142, A1101, A1303 & A14
  • Weds 5th JulyÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý A1073, A15, A605, A505 & A1134 (Trumpington Rd,Cambridge)
  • Thurs 6th JulyÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý A1303, A14, A603, A10 & A505
  • Friday 7th JulyÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý A141 & A1123

Please note that there may be occasions when, for operational reasons, safety cameras are deployed at alternative locations to those stated - including near to fixed safety cameras that are temporarily out of action. Motorists are advised to follow the rules in The Highway Code at all times.

The information is also available on our website at www.cambssafetycameras.co.uk, along with statistics showing the number of people injured on each day's routes between 2000 and 2002.

Cambridgeshire's mobile safety camera vehicles are yellow and blue marked police vans with the safety camera partnership logo displayed on the side. Enforcement takes place in locations where the vans are clearly visible and not hidden behind any obstacles.Ìý In addition, permanent warning signs are clearly visible in advance of where the vehicle is parked.

The routes cover stretches of road where people have been killed or injured, and where there is a history of excess speed.

The Cambridgeshire Safety Camera Partnership has already made a significant impact on the level of road casualties in the county - since its formation in 2001 the number of people killed and injured has been reduced by 55% at collision hotspots where a camera has been placed.

The partnership consists of the Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Cambridgeshire County Council, Peterborough City Council, Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridgeshire Primary Care Trusts, the Highways Agency, The Crown Prosecution Service and HM Courts Service.

last updated: 05/07/06
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The comments here are the best and worst of people:The best:speed cameras are for public safety;speed limits are for public safety;lorry drivers are dangerous.Why do the anti-speed limit/pro-speeding lobby against public safety?

michael mccarthy
does anyone know what the speed resriction is on the A14 last night i joined the A14 from Rougham and was confronted by a hand held police speedgun i think i was doing about,55-60 mph can anyone advise me of the speedd limit?

I have read some of the comments which have been posted and i can honestly say that my opinion is now confirmed. If you are not a lorry driver, you do not have the right to moan and groan as you have got no idea as to how a lorry operates. A lorry driver was not born with a licence, he or she in fact took the car test first then progressed through the HGV 3,2 or 1 test. This means that the lorry driver has more road craft skill and knowledge than the average inconsiderate bad tempered car driver. It is about time you car aimers took at look at your own driving abilities before gobbing off about the professional lorry drivers. Roll on the next lorry strike, then lets see you whinging car drivers weep.

I would do anything to actually have a speed camera outside of my house. Maybe then the idiots who dive at 50 in a 30 zone might slow down.

Does anyone know what the definative speed limit is along the Huntingdon (average speed cameras)stretch of the A14? Most drivers seem to interpret it as 60 mph. Surely it should be 70 mph on a dual carriageway? Can you give a web-site to back up your answer.

Can someone tell me the new speed limit on the A14 is - Ive been told that it will/or has change from 70 to 60 - Any info?

Bob Thompson
What a good idea to have speed camera listings.I wish the lists were available in Yorkshire.

your speed camaras dont save live they kill more people because of people slaming on there brakes cause accidents

I drive quite often from my home in essex to my girlfriends in cambridgeshire, and i find the worst part of the journey is the 2 mile stretch i use from the a1198 junction to the a141 junction. its slow! there is no way anybody ever breaks the speed limit, the only time i have ever done 70mph on that road was on boxing day when there was no lorries, what does that tell you are lorries then?

Viscount Court
I'm in a minority because I have two working headlights on my car. The current trend appears to be to have just one headlight working. On more than one occassion I have seen cars in the early morning darkness with just sidelights on. A speed camera is no substitute for a traffic policeman and never will be.

Some of the comments on here regarding the A14 is a joke! How will Specs cameras stop crashes? I've travelled on the road the last 5 years and I doubt i've every averaged over 60mph let alone 70mph. During peak times lorries should be kept to the inside lane, this will keep the flow of traffic going and look at all the deaths on the A14! think they all bar one involve lorries.

In reply to Annie with reference to lorry drivers, being a lorry driver myself I feel qualified to answer this. There are good lorry drivers as well as bad lorry drivers same as there are good car drivers and bad car drivers. All lorry drivers are legally capable of driving a car. Unfortunately all car drivers cannot drive a lorry and do not understand just what it takes to drive one. Many times I have pulled out into the second lane of the A14 and other dual carriageways to let a car out of a slip road only to see the car speed up once i've pulled out and leave me in the outside lane looking and feeling foolish. The other "pain" is when the car driver actually keeps the same speed as the lorry and keeps it out in the outer lane for miles whilst a big line of traffic builds up with other car drivers honking their horns at the "courteous" lorry driver. As I said, there are good and bad from both types of drivers.

Nearly everytime I drive I break the speed limit, why? Simple, I know how to drive. Do I go past a school doing 50mph? Nope, I do 15mph; Clear dry motorway and I'm doing around 100mph, add rain and traffic or a junction into that equation, and that drops down to 50 or 60mph. Speed limits are for morons, you should know exactly how fast you should be going! I think Germany has the best answer, when it's safe to do so, you may go as fast as you please; but when the need arises reduce your speed or our hidden cameras will get you.

Some lorry drivers are far from courteous. Recently I was attempting to join the A14 at St Ives, indicated and was just about to move into the space when the lorry behind me increased his speed thus closing the space and forcing me off the road as I had run out of slip road by then. What is worse, is that I actually made eye contact with the lorry driver and was about to wave a 'thank you' when this happened. Courteous lorry drivers ... only very, very few, sadly!

I would suggest that if motorists did not commit offences of speeding or dangerous driving, there would be no need for safety camera's. You elected a government, YOU gave them authority, by your vote, to make rules and laws, you gave them the power to place a police force on our streets, so you have no right to complain when they do exactly what you asked them to do. If you did not vote, quit whinging and pay your fines. Committing an offence is against the law. It makes you a criminal. It puts you in the minority. The majority do not complain and want the camera's and police because it makes them feel good. Get it?

There is no excuse for exceeding 30MPH in a built-up area. If you don't ever break the speed limits, then the cameras won't be anything to worry about and you won't have to pay the so-called "tax". Why do some drivers seem to think they have the God-given right to break speed restrictions? Its just pig-headedness

There are some interesting points in this thread and some rubbish. Firstly I would say I am not a fan of speed cameras as they have removed a very important opportunity to educate motorists - a sharp telling off from a Traffic Officer can have a remarkable effect for a very long time. Where a road is subject to a 30mph speed limit it can only have the limit signs at the start of the limit - repeaters are not allowed where there are streetlights. Only if there are no streetlights are repeaters required. There are also strict criteria for installing fixed cameras as each installation costs in the region of £30,000. As for limits on other roads drivers should know what the speed limit is for their vehicle on the road they are driving on. It should be remembered that the speed limits for lorries, vans and vehicles towing trailers or caravans are different to those for cars. As for the contributor complaining about being passed on the inside when driving at 65 in the outside lane of the A14 - does he/she realise that you are supposed to use the nearside lane at all times other than when overtaking - I assume this happened on one of those rare times when the traffic really was able to move at the speed limit and the writer simply obstructed the overtaking lane frustrating the driver behind. Not moving over when able to is just as much an offence as speeding - it is called obstruction or driving without due care and attention depending upon the actual circumstances. Finally the 70mph limit and, indeed, the stopping distances in the Highway Code were set in the 1960's based on the ability of the Ford Anglia to brake and go round corners. It arose because AC Cars tested their Le Mans entry on the M1 and were caught at over 140mph. When limits wre imposed in the 1970's for fuel shortage reasons the limit on motorways was cut from 70mph to 50mph. It is high time that a review of speed limits is undertaken given the greater ability of the cars and lesser abilities of drivers nowadays compared with a few years ago.

The cameras are purely making money. If their purpose is not to make money then why fine offenders. When people are caught, it is the points on the license that are the problem for most people. The £60 fine is not the main concern. The £60 fine is a way of extracting more money out of us to pay for a police force. Yet another steatlh tax. I do believe that cameras do reduce accidents, but when the goverment says they are not to raise funds they are blatently lying. Otherwise they would reduce the fines to just cover costs. In fact, they are now looking at raising the fine. The points system is fair and correct, making money out of it is not.

Speed cameras are absolutely nothing to do with road safety; they are for raising revenue.

The recent camera that have been introduced - Specs and Truvelo take a picture of the front of the Vehicle. How is this going to catch speeding motorbikes?

Kevin Edwards
The Police are a waste of space where road safety is concerned. 1) They drive along whilst on a handheld radio or mobile phone 2) They often break the speed limit - I caught 2 in a 35 mile stretch of the M1 3) After challenging the police over their dangerous driving they told me that they are allowed to break the law! I responded 'not when childrens lives are at risk' they responded we do as we see fit! However, please be aware that you can place a policeman under citizens arrest if they break the law and believe me, they do not like the threat of such action. I am not anti-police. I am anti police who think they are invincible and can do what they like. My opinion: Get off your backsides and nick people who are dangerous and are threatening other peoples lives. Do what we the public pay you to do, and do it well....please?

Phil Mudge
To the people complaining about the lack of 30 Limit signs in there villages, if these people bothered to read the Highway code again they would realise that 30mph signs are not always required. In the absense of other posted limits and the presence of Street lights the limit IS 30mph. Thats what the problem is, people who passed driving tests 35 years ago and think they are still 'good' drivers, when they haven't read the highway code for years, made no effort to keep upto date with current driving standards and assume they're right because thats how they've always done it. Education is the answer to reduce accidents, not just the blacket policy of penalising speeding drivers. We need a clear policy of compulsory re-testing on a regular basis. I would bet that most of us (and I include myself in this) would fail our driving tests if asked to take it right now. The current sea of cameras is purely a stealth tax by the government.

rob russell
I asked the police if they woudl put speed limit signs up to inform drivers of the limit on my road and they refused. they also refuse to put a temporary camera on my road until someone dies. dont believe them when they call them "safety " cameras--They are not.

rob russell
I think the policy of putting cameras where there is a past history of accidents or injury is wrong. I live on a road with a 30 mph speed limit and the cambs police refuse to put a camera on this road as they say no accidents have happened there. After one of my children or my neighbours children is killed they will then look at it...Its a case of slaming the barn door after the horse has bolted. The police re3fuse to even put a sign up to inform drivers what the limit is ! and yet cars go along at 60 mph or more on this 30 mph residential road.

I agree with Ranger!! 70MPH on a clear day with nobidy around for 4 miles on a Single lane road?? Where's the REAL harm??

i keep typing and deleting as to what to say all of it is a farse - this country has gone mad - lets waste money on mobile speed camera's which is supposedley to reduce accidents, but instead create them, and when question it, we are told it could cost us more in fines and double our points, and lets us put up with people getting robbed, raped and beaten up by the scum of the earth, and then protect them and not the victim. Great init!

why call them safety cameras, they are not, they are tax cameras take this point, 4 miles straight road, 10-00am, nice sunny morning Truth, nothing on either side of the road bar me 4 miles each waty clear, but no Guess what I was doing 70mph on single carriageway and minding my own Yes got done, yet a really awefull road call puddock where 30 is dangerouse, I can do 60mph

I hope you have your tongue firmly in cheek if you describe lorry drivers as, courteous, careful and attentive. I have had two close calls where I have managed to avoid being crushed against the central reservation by drivers swerving across for no reason. I would also say it was closer to ten miles for some overtaking I have seen.

You are unlikely to see a Mobile Safety Camera along Ramsey 40Foot bank because all the parking spots are at steep angles and the operators would be uncomfortable and would probably spill their tea - this is despite 4 fatalities in 2 months and the statement that these cameras supposedly to increase safety not gather revenue.

Anthony: A slight exaggeration on trucks taking seven miles to overtake however, if you find yourself sat behind HGV's in this situation (probably due to your running late?) think how much skill and professionalism is required in operating these vehicles. If only car drivers used the same pride in their driving and took the time to display courtesy, care and attention. Truck drivers are on guard for impatient car drivers undertaking and pulling in front of trucks thus narrowing the braking distance. Please remember, trucks do not stop as readily and at 38 tons, you would not expect them to.

My wife was recently handed a speeding ticket for 35mph in a 30 - we questioned its validity. In doing so we were informed by the SCI that in order to defend (or even dare ask for more information) we would have to go to court face a £1000 fine and double the points - so we accepted the £60 no quibble - I still do not agree but its the easier and cheaper way out. Now thats not justice, as people say thats highway robbery! In no other crime is the system (or in this case the SCI) judge, jury etc and, more importantly, collector of fines. Its a complete con - up to this point I truely believed that the SCI was there in the interests of road safety - not anymore, its a money grabbing exercise the sheriff of Nottingham would have been pleased with! If there was a similar senario say with drink driving, the drinks initiative man pulls you over, breathe into the machine, without offering any details of calibration says yep you are over the limit - argue and I will ban you for 10 years, not 1. Its not acceptable - why do we accept it for speeding fines??

speed cameras the modern day equivalent of highway robbery we had less accidents when the speed limit was 90 on the major roads ah but that was when the road surfaces were kept in a good state of repair im afraid that we are heading for a till in every patrol car in the future lets try some common sense for a change upgrade these out of date roads turn a deaf ear to the whingers use patrol cars for patroling reprimand drivers for bad road sense first show them the error of their ways make a note if they get caught again then fine them put some responsability back with the drivers you never know they might respond in an unexpected way and the police might get some respect back again lets make roads of the future not roads roads we should have built 30-40 years ago

What is point of saying that these tax cameras will be on the "A14" on a particular date? How long is the A14 in Cambridgeshire? So presumably publishing this sort of nonsense is merely a political sop to make the tax collectors feel better.

All I ask is that when I leave what I feel is a reasonable and 'safe' distance between my car and the car in front some idiot doesn't feel HE has to immediately squash HIS car into it ... I'm more than happy to have you overtake if you must ... but please do it safely .. I'd much rather come across your accident than be involved in it thank you !

Kate Bygrave
Tam, even travelling at the correct distance behind a vehicle still means you yourself have to brake hard if the driver in front suddenly brakes.

Kate Bygrave
I agree with Harmsay; it is really annoying when you are travelling along at the speed limit and the driver in front panics and brakes forcing you to do the same!

a 14 speed cameras, police patrols, the road is a nightmare. Why ? because it was badly designed in the first place. Exits from the a14 are to tight and to short. Conseqence slamming of brakes, or just abnormally slow traffic and subsequent accidents . Resulting in yet another speed camera.. [Edited comment]

How about warning signs before mobile vans? It'd slow cars over a longer stretch of road and cure the arguements about them being hidden.

Mobile cameras clearly visible "my *"&e"! Situated after a bend under trees with outline camouflaged by a petrol station (3 weeks ago in road works southbound before A1 Blackcat) or in undergrowth behind crash barriers again against a confusing flyover background (A14 Ellinton is not highly visible. The police too patronising about safety cameras. Why don't they actually catch "dangerous drivers" eg those who jumplights or blatantly break the life threatening highway code rules instead of the frequently harmless easy option? Sorry for rant

If slamming on the brakes to slow down for a speed camera causes grief for the cars behind, surely one reason is because people drive too close to the car in front?!

It is my considered opinion that the majority of drivers on the road today don't drive their cars, they drift about in them. If you could stop them, they could not tell you the speed limit, the type of vehicle two in front of them and certainly not what is behind them. They use mobile phone willy nilly chat with passengers, and do any thing other than give due care and attention to their driving. Has it not occurred to the people below, talking about rear- end shunts, near camera sites that these vehicles are traveling too fast and too close!! Wake up people speed kills, the more you speed the more cameras there will be, I hope.

Why do Police shut roads after accidents, driving in France recently there was a multi car accident. Police arrived 15 minutes later road was open all cars dragged off the motorway, debris cleared as well, no poncey tape and spray paint, just doing their job in keeping the roads open. Not closing to see how far they can disrupt peoples journeys

Graham Smith
The recently installed camera just after Nine Mile Hill on the A14 Eastbound where the A11 and A14 merge, is dangerous and is there only to raise cash. It has nothing to do with safety.

Gavin Taylor
I have seen 3 rear end shunts in 2 months which have occured at the speed camera @ A605 Kings Delph, Whittlesey. !!

I agree with another correspondent - too many drivers on the A14 think the speed limit might be 60 or even 50, and slam their brakes on for speed cameras, causing concertina braking and evasive action. PLEASE can we have 70 signs on the A14. Also, speed limited truck drivers doing their mammoth 7 mile overtaking manoeuvers on two lane dual carriageways are a total pain. They are so unbelievably selfish these days. Knights of the road? I don't think so

When are we getting the new Specs Cameras on the A14? Also Why do people undertake on the A14 when I am doing 65mph?

People shouldn't be speeding on the roads so if they get fined thats their fault. We should make cameras less obvious to make drivers always stick to the speed limit. The only way to get rid of them altogether is to STOP SPEEDING then the police would have no revenue to run them.

Fed up with last minute brakers
The new camera that has been installed on the A14 east bound at Bottisham where the A11 filters on actually caused an accident. Someone braked at the last moment so's not to be flashed and the vehicle behind went into the central reservation rather than the back of the braking car. If the camera hadn't been put there then it wouldn't have happened. If it had been sited before the intersection then motorists would be have been slowed before the 2 flows of traffic merge.

Too Many Cars...
The West Midlands constabulary recently highlighted that a huge majority of driver using the new M6 toll road were driving above the 70mph speed limit....yet I have only heard of one accident on this road. This shows that increased speed does not cause accidents - but too many cars does! The accidents are cause by cars driving too close and the poor sliproads/junctions The road needs to be upgraded immediately!!!

Although I detest most forms of spying, safety cameras do serve a purpose, as some drivers can only be described as "lunatics". However, I feel that where cameras are used in semi-built up areas, there should be much more use of speed limit reminders on lamp posts, as when in unfamiliar areas, and being of a "robot" speed limit driver, (practised after a single speeding conviction 34 years ago), have on occassions, found myself driving at about 26mph, when "unwittingly" having moved from a 30, into a 40 zone, only sensing this by a larger than normal number of drivers on my tail.

A few pointers 1.Who set the 70mph speed limit? It was set when the fuel shortages were around. 2. Isn't a A road of M road supposed to be a quick way of getting from one point to another? 3. Why do these vans always hide behind tress :o)

The cameras don't annoy me: drivers do! Nearly EVERY DAY driving on the A14 I see people slam on the brakes down to 60 mph, simply because they don't KNOW the speed limit. This is dangerous insanity. "70" should be stamped on every one of them...

I agree with I HATE THEM!!! how anoying are they... i just want to cut them all down but then i would be in alot of trouble lol....

What about these new 'message signs' like the one you see coming into Cambridge from the A14. Last night it said' Dont drink and drive'! seems like an expensive no-brainer to me. I just hope its being paid for by all those 'safety' cameras and not council tax.

Jim Muelchi
What is the cost of a Gatso Fixed Safety Camera and how much does it cost to maintain the Cambridgeshire County Constabulary Safet Camera Unit

Something more annoying than speed cameras, is the way we are constantly informed of where they are on local news and radio. Speed limits are there to be adhered to and if you break them, you run the risk of getting caught. Thats your choice. But drivers should make situation awareness their responsibility so we do not need to be reminded of when and where we can and cannot speed. Can't we have better news or music to listen to!

Camera surveillance is rampant in the UK. There's too many voyeurs in the police force.

Robert Boone
The safety cameras can only be a cash cow for the treasury if motorists break the law by speeding. If motorists don't want the government to raise money this way, they could STOP SPEEDING!

John Smith is right.If you work out shutter speeds at 1/50 per sec.(Slow)= 50X£60 X60 =£180,000 per min. per. camera X the amount of cameras= a lot of money!

It's unfortunate that the cameras can't be made more discrete as they're quite an eyesore, but for all these people who disagree with them completely there's only one way to get them removed.....STOP SPEEDING!

Stephen Howie
Of course they relate to safety. Anything which reduces vehicle speed - which the cameras do - reduces kinetic energy and therefore damage done when accidents take place. It's simply a matter of physics.

Tom Murfitt


John Smith
Everyone knows these cameras have nothing to do with safety and everything to do with cash. Let's face it if they were really about safety then there would be a camera outside every school where they should be or actually at locations of hideous accidents. I know of one village where something like six people have been killed at a dangerous junction and low and behold NO tax gathering camera. The motorist is simply a soft target. If they are really trying to make the roads safe then how about a 20mph limit in major built up areas. That’s safe.

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