
Help me out - fitting in

Find out more about fitting in with the crowd - or just being yourself!

It's not always easy

Fitting in can be difficult and everyone wants to be accepted by those around them. There are times when we all feel alone. Standing out from the crowd can take courage, there isn’t any easy solution, sometimes you just have to be true to yourself and go for it. If you’re struggling to fit in at school – there are lots of things which can help.

Make your own mind up

We all want to be liked and fit in with the crowd, but it’s not always a good idea, especially if it leads you to act in ways that put yourself or others in danger. Even if it’s something that’s not a big deal, don’t you want to feel free to be yourself rather than someone that someone else wants you to be? So instead of following the crowd or latest trends, make up your own mind.

You are not a label!

Remember, you are not what you wear, and you don’t have to look a certain way to be okay. If you’re not keen on the latest fashion, why shell out the cash to buy those shoes you don’t even like? If you don’t hide your own personality to fit in, you might find that others share your taste and join in with you instead of the other way around. Are you prepared to take that risk?

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Dr Aaron's advice on fitting in and being yourself

Widen your friends net

School isn’t the only place in the world to meet people and find friends – joining an after-school club or group can help to widen your social circle. The wider your net is, the more likely you might find someone great. If you’re not finding what you need in one place, don’t let that put you off trying some place new.

Accept yourself for who you are, whoever you are!

We all go through periods when we feel that we don’t fit in – but that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. Fully accepting who you really are will not only help you feel better, but it may help others realise just how great you are too! Accepting who you are can help defeat negative thinking and help you feel optimistic about what comes next.

Perception is so important

It’s not just the things that happen to you that count, but how you respond to them that that really matters. Sometimes not fitting in is actually the cool thing. Have you thought about that?

For information about organisations which can offer more advice on a range of issues, check out the advice helplines page.

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