Make a bird feeder
Scroll or swipe down to find out how to make a feast for the birds in your garden. There are three different bird feeders you can make with your grown-up. Take a look below, you might want to make all three!

Apple Bird Feeder

Image: RSPB
This make is easy and fun but you'll need a grown-up to core the apple for you.

Step 1
Thread the string through the hole in the apple.
Step 2
Make an 'X' with the sticks and tie them to the string so the apple sits on top.
Step 3
Make a pattern by pushing the seeds into the apple, then it's ready to hang up!
Pine Cone Feeder

Image: RSPB
Have some warm, soapy water ready once you finish as the mix can be messy!

Step 1
Mush together the seeds, lard, cheese and raisins in a mixing bowl.
Step 2
Tie a string to your pine cone then cover it with the mix. Don't forget to fill the holes!
Step 3
Pop it in the fridge until set, then it's ready for the birds!
Fruit Hoops

Image: RSPB
You'll need a grown-up to help with this one!

Step 1
Ask a grown-up to cut cubes of apple and cheese.
Step 2
Be very careful and ask a grown-up to help you thread fruit and cheese onto the wire like a necklace.
Step 3
Make a hoop with the wire and tie it to some string. Ready!
Top tip for wildlife watchers

Set your bird feeders on branches in front of a window so you can watch the birds without disturbing them.
Follow these easy steps and you'll have a bird feast in your back garden in no time! If you thought that was fun, the RSPB have more activities on their Kids website.