
Recipe: Power Pickles

Here is the recipe for making Big Cook Little Cook's Power Pickles.

You will need
  • 1 cucumber, chopped into slices
  • 1 medium red onion, finely sliced
  • 350ml white vinegar, either white wine or pickling
  • 100g sugar
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • Saucepan
  • Chopping board
  • Measuring jug
  • Large jar
  • Wooden spoon
  • Scissors
  • Card
  • Coloured pencils or crayons
  • Sticky tape


Makes 1 large jar or 4 small jam jars

  1. Before you start, sterilize your jar by putting it and the lid into a clean washing up bowl and covering with boiling water. Ask your grown-up helper to do this as the water will be hot, hot, hot. Then leave the jar to air dry.

  2. Pour the vinegar, sugar, and mustard seeds into a small saucepan and simmer on the hob until all the sugar has dissolved. Then turn off the heat and leave to cool slightly.

  3. Layer the red onion and cucumber slices in stripes to fill up your jar.

  4. Once the vinegar mixture has cooled down, get a grown helper to help you carefully pour it into your jar to cover all the cucumber and onion. Then pop on the lid.

  5. Pop the jar into the fridge, it is best to leave it as long as possible either overnight or 48 hours. This helps the cucumber and onion get their super hero powers and lots of flavour!

  6. To make your pickles even more powerful you can make your own superhero logo to add to the front of your jar. Draw your own emblem using coloured pencils or crayons, and then cut it out and stick it on the front of your jar with a piece of sticky tape.

  7. You can also add a superhero cloak by using a piece of fabric and an elastic band.

  8. Make sure to store your pickles in the fridge and eat within a week once opened.

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