Family rainy day activities
Take a look at some easy rainy day activity ideas to try with your child and watch some of the kids from Our Family getting crafty.

1. Play your cards right
Make a special picture or greeting card for a friend or family member. Making art lets children make their own decisions about where to put things and what to emphasise, which is really empowering. Ask your little one about what they’ve created. See if they can explain their decisions back to you – it’ll give you a real sense of what’s important to them right now. For a mess-free alternative, why not try our online painting tool - CBeebies Creative Lab?
2. Make creative connections
Make a collage from things you’ve collected on your adventures. Did you know that giving children the opportunity to be creative when they’re small actually fires new connections between the different parts of their brain? This process, called ‘synaptogenesis’ enables children to make sense of the world. If it’s too wet to venture outside for supplies, you could make a giant handprint bonfire to warm yourselves up!
3. Experiment and explore
Make your own erupting volcano, or try an arty experiment with some squirty chalk. Learning together like this helps your child to feel like you’re taking them seriously and you understand that they aren’t just messing around when they play – which in turn builds their self-esteem.Â
Looking for more arts and crafts activities to do together, take a look here.