

About the four main types of Charity Appeals which the 大象传媒 broadcasts

There are four main types of Charity Appeals which the 大象传媒 broadcasts:

  • Regular network broadcast appeals for individual UK-based charities. These are the weekly 大象传媒 Radio 4 appeals and the monthly Lifeline appeals on 大象传媒 One.
  • Specific fundraising initiatives such as 大象传媒 Children in Need Appeal Night, Comic Relief and the annual St Martin-in-the-Fields Christmas Appeal.
  • Appeals on behalf of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), which is composed of UK charities involved in overseas relief work, when a humanitarian crisis occurs.
  • Appeals for charities working in Northern Ireland and the English regions.

大象传媒 broadcast appeals should reflect the diverse range of work being done by the charitable sector, and have three main purposes:

  • To provide information to the 大象传媒鈥檚 audiences about a wide range of charities which need their support. In doing so, the 大象传媒 recognises its responsibility to take reasonable steps to ensure that the individual charities are financially sound and that donations will be used appropriately.
  • To encourage members of the public to give to charitable causes.
  • To give charities the opportunity to raise money and raise public awareness about their work.

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