

Lifeline Appeal 24 February 2018

Thank goodness a teacher at school had seen George behaving out of sorts and suggested I speak to Place2Be. Place2Be not only helped him express himself through making art and talking but are there at his new school too. Everyone should have someone like Place2Be to turn to. I believe this so much that I am training to become a Counsellor myself.

George’s mum

A huge thank you to our presenter Kate Silverton and the generosity of 大象传媒 Lifeline viewers, who helped us raise over £15k for Place2Be. Thanks to the wonderful support we received from the appeal we can reach a further 2,000 children who desperately need someone to speak to.

Our 大象传媒 Appeal film helped throw a spot light on a range of issues children are forced to face including bereavement, depression and anxiety. But there are of course many other mental health issues vulnerable children face every day. You can hear about them .

There has never been a time when the focus of children and young people’s mental health has been so high, especially within the school setting and by providing mental health support in school Place2Be is at the heart of the community. For the past 25 years we have implemented this vision working directly with school communities, providing pupils, as well as parents, teachers and school staff with emotional and therapeutic support and training. 

Place2Be’s vision is for all children to have the vital support they need to help them build life-long coping skills and to thrive. 

We believe every child deserves to be heard. Thank you for helping make this an increasing reality.

You can find out more about the charity .

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