
Antibiotic Research UK

Radio 4 Appeal 1 Nov 2020

Photo: ‘Your donations are helping to support our Small Grants programme’

Meanwhile we have been able to launch our Small Grants programme for 2021. These grants will fund essential research in both basic and applied sciences to help prevent another global pandemic, this time caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria. This is our largest grant programme to date".

We would like to say a huge thank you to Radio 4 and your fantastic listeners who supported our appeal in November 2020.

We’re delighted to report that thanks to the generosity of those who gave, the appeal raised £51,009. This amazing amount is already supporting our work. Most noticeably due to the pandemic we have had a large increase in need for our Patient Support service. The service provides advice to people affected by antibiotic resistant infections and is a life line to some. Thanks to our supporters we have been able to support those people who have come to us looking for information, support and guidance.

Finally we able to continue providing education and support to professionals and patients.

Antibiotic resistance is a huge global problem, and we need to take action now if we are to prevent the next pandemic. This significant amount raised by your listeners will help us to keep pushing forward in this fight.

Thank you so much to everyone who donated, you are helping to save modern medicine.  

Please go to our website to find out more.

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