
Buttle UK

Radio 4 Appeal 12 January 2020

Image – Denise, Logan and Tyler the family Buttle UK provided support for with a grant funded by the appeal.

With help from the Radio 4 Appeal, which raised £54,367, Buttle UK and everyone else who has supported the family, Denise says the boys are settling in really well to their new home. She can see them start to thrive and enjoy the childhood they deserve.”

Since the day they were born, Denise has been one of the main carers for her grandsons, Logan and Tyler. Eventually, this became a permanent arrangement when the boys’ mother was no longer able to care for them.

They are now safe and settled in their new home. However, with little income and overcrowded conditions, Denise struggled to provide some of the things the boys needed to help them recover from the experiences they faced in their early years. Both boys find it hard to manage their emotions and this can often cause conflict, both between them and with Denise. They currently both receive additional educational support from their school, and from other local support workers. Through this support, Buttle UK was approached to help provide them with some basic things. These are things most of us would take for granted, but the family were not able to afford. However, with them, the boys can settle into their new home, and this is the starting point to improving their wellbeing.

Firstly, Buttle UK's Chances for Children grant, funded by the Radio 4 Appeal, was able to pay for new beds and bedding for the boys. This made a huge difference, especially for Logan who has problems with soiling the bed. Now they both have comfortable and clean new beds to call their own. Buttle UK also provided the boys with new clothes, as many of the old ones had to be thrown out when they arrived, and they were quickly growing out of the rest. On top of this, the boys were also given new bedroom storage furniture, so they had somewhere to store their new clothes. Finally, the grant funded football and boxing training for the boys to help them in the longer term. Due to the Covid-19 health crisis, they have not been able to use them yet. However, they are excited to get started as soon as they can.

If you would like to know more about Buttle UK, please visit our .

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