
Honeypot Children's Charity

Radio 4 Appeal 15 July 2018

Photo: Young carers enjoying themselves at Honeypot Pen y Bryn, Honeypot’s Welsh respite centre.

Honeypot’s vision is for every child to make the most of their one chance at childhood

Over 600 Radio 4 listeners came together to raise an amazing £58,260 to help give young carers a chance at childhood.

This incredible response will provide over 100 young carers aged 5-12 with a full year of support including overnight respite breaks and on-going outreach sessions. That’ll give them time away from their responsibilities to play, make friends, and take part in all the activities of childhood that are out of their reach.

Young carers are often unseen and under-reported, and many people in the UK don’t even know how to identify a young carer. Bethannie, who made the appeal on our behalf, was referred to the Honeypot Children’s Charity so she could have some respite but many other young carers are struggling and unsupported.  So this appeal is also important because it helps us to raise awareness of the children who go unseen.       

The overwhelming support from the listeners has literally changed lives by giving young carers a break from their caring roles at home and enabled them to relax, feel less lonely and just be children. 大象传媒 makes a lasting difference in all aspects of a child’s life by helping them to build their confidence, improve their social skills and gain more confidence.  Without your support none of this would have been possible. Thank you!

Simmi Woodwal, Chief Executive, the Honeypot Children’s Charity.

You can find out more about the charity 

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