

Radio 4 Appeal 6 August 2017

The money raised through our appeal will be supporting the creation of a new resource for grandparents to help them understand the issues surrounding cyber-bullying and online safety.

Radio 4's listeners raised a total of £3,599 for Kidscape following our appeal in August to help us in our work protecting children from bullying and educating parents, grandparents and carers in how to keep their children safe.

Kidscape works nationwide to provide young people with the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe from bullying and other harm, and gives families and professionals support, advice and information to keep children safe.

With so many grandparents in the UK carrying out childcare responsibilities, and with technology and online safety being issues that may not be as familiar to them as to the children they care for, we will be working with a group of grandparents and grandchildren to co-produce a resource that helps them talk to each other about bullying and cyberbullying.

We have a target to reach 5000 grandparents through this resource and hope it will encourage those in need to call our advice line and attend our ZAP workshops with their grandchildren. This work will be a main project for Kidscape in early 2018, and we are extremely grateful to all those Radio 4 listeners who recognised the importance of this work and supported our appeal.

You can find out more about the charity . 

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