
Koestler Trust

Radio 4 Appeal 24 March 2019

Photo: Artists Jeremy Deller and John Costi, whose story we tell in this appeal, first met through the Koestler Trust over 5 years ago.

The generosity of Radio 4 listeners will allow us to help even more young people to transform their lives, offering the opportunities to find encouragement and positivity in positive achievements.

Over 200 Radio 4 listeners came together to raise an amazing £18,186, helping young people in detention find the encouragement to be creative and to see the value in themselves. 

There are currently around 15,000 young people in the prison estate. Shockingly, nearly 40% of young adults in Young Offender Institutions in 2018 said that they were locked up for 22 hours a day, and some of those under 18 spent on average over 19 hours in their cells instead of being able to gain skills and qualifications. Life after prison can be just as tough. Over two-thirds of children sent to prison are reconvicted within a year of release, which goes up to as much as 74% for shorter sentences.

But being in custody has the potential to provide young people with a safe and dedicated environment in which to develop, address their offending behaviour and excel. Engaging with art in a positive and supportive classroom setting can help young people overcome negative experiences of education.Each year, the Koestler Trust helps over 400 young people in secure children’s homes, YOIs, prisons and secure training centres.

Our annual Award Scheme can be a trigger for young people gaining qualifications and self-confidence, equipping them to succeed inside YOI’s and on release.We know that with the right support and encouragement, all young people can turn their lives around, and build a future free from the tragic cycle of reoffending.

We would like to thank everybody who donated, helping us to support more of the UK’s most troubled and often overlooked young people.

To find out more about our charity please click .

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