
Macular Society

Radio 4 Appeal 25 June 2017

I have good friends and family, including my sons that I can talk to. But you can’t keep talking to the same people about the same thing; otherwise they will start crossing over to the other side of the road when they see you coming.


Thanks to hundreds of Radio 4 listeners, an incredible £32,538 was raised to help people whose lives have been devastated by sight loss.

These donations have meant we can continue to support people affected by macular disease and help them come to terms with their diagnosis.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the biggest cause of sight loss in the UK, affecting 600,000 people. Every day over 200 people in the UK face the shock of a diagnosis of macular disease. This sight loss can rob people of their independence, leaving them unable to drive, read or recognise their family. 

Rita March found out about the support available through the Macular Society and now receives regular phone calls from someone who has had a similar experience of macular disease. Rita, 79, talks to her telephone befriender every fortnight. They have similar interests and Rita said his positive outlook inspires her.

He is very positive and if he can come through it smiling that is every reason why I should be able to,” she said. “He just gets on with things and doesn’t let his sight loss stop him. Knowing about his own difficulties and the way he deals with them is really so helpful for me and his positive outlook boosts my confidence.

Find out more about the Macular Society’s work, which is solely funded by donations. These donations also help to fund vital research that will one day find a cure.

You can find out more about the charity . 

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