
Mercy Ships

Radio 4 Appeal 31 March 2024

Amadou, 4 years old, recovers after receiving surgery to straighten his leg. Credit: Mercy Ships / Tirsa Tapia

It’s my joy and privilege to volunteer with Mercy Ships. Through Mercy Ships’ surgical care and training, women, men and children in sub-Saharan Africa can truly change their lives''
— Dr Rachel Buckingham, NHS children’s orthopaedic surgeon and Mercy Ships volunteer

We want to thank you for your very kind and generous donations to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 4 appeal for Mercy Ships. Through your support, we’ve raised an incredible £75,447, which will provide life-changing surgical care for the people who need it the most.

In March, you tuned in to hear Dr Rachel Buckingham, an NHS surgeon, share about her experiences volunteering onboard a Mercy Ship floating hospital. She told us about meeting 4-year-old Amadou, with his joyful laugh and bright eyes. But Amadou struggled to walk as rickets had bent his legs at uncomfortable angles. He was in pain with every step, and desperately needed surgery. Dr Buckingham operated on Amadou’s leg through a surgical procedure onboard the Global Mercy hospital ship. After surgery, she saw him smile as he looked down to see his straight leg healing in a plaster cast. Amadou bravely learned to walk again, and once he did, there was no stopping him! You could hear his ripples of laughter echoing through the floating hospital, as he raced down the ward on his toy car. This wasn’t just a surgery, this was the first day of the rest of his life.

The money raised from the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Appeal means we can provide free, safe surgeries to women, men and children in sub-Saharan Africa, so that children like Amadou can live a life free from pain.

Whether it’s surgery on facial tumours, orthopaedic or reconstructive surgery, every operation can change someone’s life. Our specialists also train local medical professionals, making an impact on surgical care in sub-Saharan Africa for decades to come.

So, thank you again for your generosity – this life-changing work would not be possible without you.

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