
Restless Development

Radio 4 Appeal 5 September 2021

Photo: Purity in her workshop making furniture to sell within her community.

I make stools and mirrors for a living to buy books, school uniforms and bags for my young sisters so that they continue going to school.
— 17 year old Purity working with Restless Development in Zambia.

A big Restless thank you to all ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 4 listeners who donated and supported our Time to Thrive appeal. We are incredibly grateful and thrilled to have raised over £40,000 to help young people set up businesses and gain entrepreneurship skills around the globe.

A special thank you to the wonderful Deborah Meaden who presented and shared our appeal. Every penny goes a long way at Restless Development and helps us work with young people like Purity.

In Purity’s community, girls face many challenges from dropping out of school to facing unemployment. Purity joined a Restless Development Careers Club to understand her career options. She attended sessions on woodworking, a traditionally male-dominated career, and decided to pursue this further. Now Purity sells the furniture she makes to earn an income to pay for her and her sisters' education. Purity is now leading change in her community, challenging the cultural practises that keep girls from completing their education and taking on different career options.

To find out more about Restless Development’s work and how your support can make a difference to the lives of young leaders, click .

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