

Radio 4 Appeal 2 April 2017

Thanks to you – in total over 60 therapy sessions for different adults and children in need will now be possible. Your support really does change lives.

Radio 4 listeners generously donated £11,135 to SignHealth’s appeal for funds to support our work with people who are Deaf and experience mental health problems – thank you!

We know 40% of Deaf people will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime, compared to 20% of hearing people, they are three times more vulnerable to abuse and typically have much poorer health outcomes. Our bespoke psychological therapy, domestic abuse, advocacy, and outreach services are delivered by Deaf professionals and sign language users, so sensitive and important conversations can happen with people who share the same language and culture.

The support from generous Radio 4 listeners couldn’t have come at a better time; we’re working with some particularly marginalised adults and children and rely heavily on donations to help. Rashmi for instance, who was referred to us in a crisis, was in a physically and emotionally abusive relationship, witnessed too often by her small child. 

Thanks to Radio 4 listeners our teams of British Sign Language professionals have supported Rashmi to navigate the complex domestic abuse systems, develop a robust emotional and practical support plan, ensure her child is no longer at risk of being taken into care and provided specialist psychological therapy to effectively treat the damage to her mental health the abuse caused. It has undeniably been an emotional roller-coaster but Rashmi and her child are now safe and the difference in her is profound – she is more confident, independent, self-assured and is hopeful of a brighter future for her and her daughter.

So a heartfelt thank you, to all of the Radio 4 donors who have helped to make this possible.  Rashmi is one of many who we are now able to help, thanks to you – in total over 60 therapy sessions for different adults and children in need will now be possible. Your support really does change lives. 

You can find out more about the charity . 

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