
Starfish Greathearts Foundation

Radio 4 Appeal 7 Aug 2022

Photo: Two School Children receiving a meal at Tlhaloganyo Primary School

When our mum died we had no food. With help from Starfish, we鈥檙e not hungry anymore鈥
鈥 Seilo, age 8

Starfish Greathearts Foundation supports orphaned and vulnerable children in communities affected by HIV, AIDS and poverty in South Africa. We believe that every child deserves access to the Protection, Healthcare, Nourishment and Education that they need in order to fulfil their potential.

A huge thank you to Zola Nene for presenting our 大象传媒 Radio 4 appeal, and to the wonderful Radio 4 listeners who donated an incredible £15,257 to support our work.

The funds have been restricted and will allow us to help many more children like Mandisa, whose story was shared in our appeal, providing them with vital nutritional, social and educational support.

In poverty stricken areas such as Kwazulu-Natal - which has the highest population of people living with HIV in South Africa, at an estimated two million - the effects of food insecurity amidst the global rise in costs of living are palpable. Moreover, the economic impact of recent floods and the ongoing effects of Covid-19 continue to heavily impact Kwazulu-Natal’s residents. Therefore, in a country where over 10 million children don't have enough food, vulnerable children and their carers urgently need our support.

Starfish's network of care workers, nurses and teachers support vulnerable children from 0 - 21 years. We run mobile clinics and distribute emergency food parcels to children in need, running creches and helping children enrol in school - where they receive an extra meal a day - whilst continuing to support them throughout their education. We also work with their guardians, teaching them to grow their own vegetable gardens. This ensures that families are able to self-sufficiently provide food for their children in the future.

Many thanks again to everyone who has supported us. We were overwhelmed by your kindness, you can find more about what Starfish Greathearts do on our website .



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