
Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS)

Radio 4 Appeal 16 July 2023

Photo: Baby orangutan, credit Zac Mills

We are guardians of this planet. Having had the privilege of seeing wild orangutans, I am steadfast in my belief that we must do all that we can to protect these magnificent creatures. I鈥檓 quite convinced we will win the day鈥
鈥 Brian Blessed

At the Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS), we know thriving orangutan populations are vital to the health of Sumatran rainforests and, as healthy rainforests are the lungs of our planet, they matter to all of us. Our strategy to 2030 鈥 our Conservation Greenprint - is working with local conservation partners and forest-edge communities on three goals to make this vision a reality: protect, connect, and rewild precious rainforest landscapes so people, orangutans and forests can thrive into the future.

In August, Radio 4 listeners heard Brian Blessed, SOS Patron, enthuse about his first encounter with wild orangutans - 鈥淭hey鈥檙e the most extraordinary creatures.. They are our wild cousins鈥︹ - , how vital these animals are to rainforest ecosystems, and how important SOS鈥檚 work is in protecting them. The response was astounding!

We want to say a big thank you to everyone who gave to our appeal. Radio 4 listeners helped us to raise 拢26,000. These donations will help us to plant new trees and regenerate and rewild deforested areas, build canopy bridges to reconnect orangutan populations across barriers in the landscape like rivers and roads, work with local communities to develop orangutan-friendly farming methods, and help on-the-ground organisations in Sumatra to study and protect wild orangutan populations.

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