
Able Child Africa

Radio 4 Appeal 7 June 2020

There has never been a more important time to ensure the voices of children with disabilities are heard, their rights are met, and they are not left behind after this crisis".

We at Able Child Africa are extremely grateful for the amazing support we have received through our Radio 4 Appeal, which raised £16,228. This money will mean we can continue to support out partner organisations in Africa while they cope with Covid-19.

We believe the best way to make the greatest impact for children with disabilities in Africa, is by strengthening local organisations so they can take action and advocate for change locally. This is more crucial than ever, as civil society organisations in the countries where we work are coping with the increasing impact of Covid-19, while already working in resource-poor environments of unsupportive legislation.

At the same time, schools are closed and lockdowns are strictly enforced, meaning children with disabilities are increasingly isolated and at risk. We know that 60% of those who have died from Covid-19 have a disability, but we also know that the pandemic poses an existential threat to the survival of local organisations who are essential if the continued rights of children and young people with disabilities are to be realised.

The money from this appeal will mean we can increase our support in strategic management, ensuring our partners remain resilient throughout this period, including supporting urgent financial strategies, governance support and resource management. We are also focusing on taking action with them, supporting local and national advocacy efforts. We will provide bespoke training and support to our partners in promoting the rights of children with disabilities to ensure they are included in the response to the pandemic, and that the advances made in their inclusion are not lost.

You can find out more about our charity.

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