
The OHMI Trust

Radio 4 Appeal 28 January 2024

Photo: OHMI musician Kaila Bartlett playing the Great Highland Bagpipes

“Every penny donated makes a vitally important contribution to OHMI’s Instrument Hire Scheme. The ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 4 appeal will help us uncover hidden talent, and empower adults and children with a disability to participate fully in music-making.
— Clare Salters, Chair, The OHMI Trust
Listen to the Appeal

We would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to the incredible Radio 4 listeners who took the time to listen, share and donate to our appeal.

As a result, we’ve raised an incredible £11,181 which will help match disabled musicians with the adapted musical instruments and enabling equipment they need to participate fully in music-making. We’ve also raised the profile of our small charity at national level.

Our services are in high demand. Before the appeal went out, we had a waiting list which included five people waiting for bagpipes, one for the clarinet, two for flutes and one for a French Horn support. Some of these individuals had been waiting for nearly a year, often at a very challenging point of their lives. We know that two on our list were recovering from stroke and have no doubt that playing an adapted instrument would support their recovery.

Thanks to the appeal, we will be able to purchase the new instruments and equipment needed and have cancelled out our existing waiting list.

The appeal has also generated a number of enquiries from a new audience of musicians and music teachers so our work will continue unabated.

You can learn more about the work of The OHMI Trust  

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