

Radio 4 Appeal 19 August 2018

Image: Léon is one of millions of children caught up in the conflict in the Central African Republic who are losing out on their vital education, but thanks to Unicef and the work made possible through donations to the Children’s Emergency Fund, he is now back at school.

There are 59 million children facing conflict, natural disasters and other complex emergencies in 50 countries across the world. Children are hardest hit – losing lives, families, homes and schools; facing new dangers of violence and exploitation, or recruitment as child soldiers.

The generosity of 大象传媒 Radio 4 listeners in August last year raised £11,875for Unicef UK’s Children’s Emergency Fund. This money has enabled Unicef UK to help children affected by disasters and prevent significant loss of life during humanitarian crises around the world.

Unicef has been operating for 70 years, and ensures more of the world’s children are vaccinated, educated and protected than any other organisation. Operating in over 190 countries around the world, Unicef respond rapidly whenever or wherever disaster strikes to deliver life-saving food, medicine and water so children in danger get the help they need. We rely on money from our Children’s Emergency Fund to do this.

Our appeal fronted by Unicef UK Ambassador Olivia Colman focused on the story of Léon, one of millions of children caught up in the conflict in the Central African Republic. Léon and his mother fled their home to seek safety, but they were found by soldiers, and his mother was brutally killed. Léon then fell into the arms of a rival militia, who took him on as a lookout. However, thanks to Unicef and the work made possible through donations to the Unicef UK Children’s Emergency Fund, he is now back at school where he belongs.

To find out more about our charity please visit our .

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