
最后更新时间: 2007年5月08日 格林尼治标准时间16:31更新
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The New Premiership Champions 英超新冠军
A footballer
But who will win the FA Cup?
Manchester United have claimed their first Premiership title since 2003 following Chelsea’s 1-1 draw against Arsenal on Saturday.

Although there are two games left to play this season, Manchester United cannot be overtaken at the top of the table 高居榜首.

Hard to move
 Once we got the lead it was always hard to dislodge us.
Sir Alex Ferguson

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson hailed his team's success, saying it was a "fantastic day" for the club and fans.

Ferguson underlined the importance 强调重要性 of starting the season well. He said that his team had been "hard to dislodge" 逐出 from their position as leaders in the league after getting in front early in the season.

Hats off
 The crucial part was the resilience of the players when we got injuries. We don't have as big a squad as Chelsea but we dug in and I have to take my hat off to those players.
Sir Alex Ferguson

He also praised the resilience 顺应力 of his team, meaning that they were able to recover well from difficulties such as injuries.

Sir Alex admired the way in which his players "dug in" 坚持不懈, meaning they refused to surrender or give up, even when they faced defeat. Ferguson indicated how much he respected his players by saying: "I have to take my hat off" 摘下帽子, 这里表示对对方的钦佩和敬意 to them.

Despite having lost the title after two years at the top, Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho was almost gracious in defeat 虽然比赛输了但仍不失气度, offering his congratulations to Manchester United but stopping short 没有提及 of saying the best team won.

He said he was proud of his players for maintaining their hunger for success 成功的渴望.

 Normally when a team has a lot of success and loses a championship it's lack of motivation, not the same spirit or ambition, but it was exactly the opposite.
Jose Mourinho

Mr Mourinho stated that successful teams often lose because they no longer have the same motivation or "the same spirit or ambition" 同样的精神和雄心. But in Chelsea’s case he said this was not the case, instead blaming injuries to his team for their failure to keep the title.

Even though the Premiership has been lost and won, Chelsea and Manchester United will still play each other twice more before the season ends - once for pride rather than points in the Premiership, and then again in the FA Cup final on 19 May.

Both matches will give Chelsea a chance to prove a point 证实观点 over United.


* 任意选择
Is the Title Race Over? 冠军角逐已经结束了吗?
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Chelsea's Penalty Problems 切尔西的点球问题
2007年4月23日 | 英语教学 Learning English
Chelsea Through to FA Cup Final 切尔西进入足总杯决赛
2007年4月16日 | 英语教学 Learning English
Ferguson Backs Van der Sar 弗格森力挺 门将范德萨
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Penalty Disappoints Reading Boss 雷丁教练对点球失望
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Fulham boss angered 富勒姆教练生气了
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Goalkeeper turns goalscorer 守门员变射门员
2007年3月19日 | 英语教学 Learning English
Chelsea’s Cup Comeback 切尔西重返足总杯
2007年3月12日 | 英语教学 Learning English
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