
Prayer and Reflection: commissioning opportunity for indies in the nations

Invitation to pitch

Published: 5 December 2024

This opportunity has now closed


We are seeking up to three production companies with a substantive base in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales to deliver episodes for a new religion series to be broadcast on 大象传媒 One and the Nations in autumn 2025. There is potential for this to become a returning brand.

The series will consist of 30-minute programmes (approximately), depicting as-live religious services from six of the UK鈥檚 major faiths.

Three or four services will be filmed each in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and we are looking for services that reflect the diverse faith communities from around the UK. The series is aimed at both those from faith communities but also audiences with a more general interest in the UK鈥檚 major religions, so we will be aiming for these programmes to feel as inclusive as possible.

The series will be lightly formatted to create a similar style across all programmes.

Initially we are asking production companies interested in applying for this opportunity to submit an eligibility form. A shortlist of companies will then be selected based on their eligibility against our criteria.

The full editorial brief will be shared with the shortlisted producers along with further information. Companies will then be asked to submit a short proposal via PiCoS.


Eligibility criteria

Production companies will need to demonstrate:

  • A substantive base in either Northern Ireland, Scotland and/or Wales as defined by the
  • A track record of delivering religion content for television in the last five years
  • Experience of delivering live or as-live television programming in the last five years
  • A track record in safely delivering television programmes which have additional sensitivities and duty of care and detailed compliance considerations in the last five years


Commissioning timetable

  • 11 January 2025: deadline for eligibility form
  • By 24 January 2025: shortlisted companies notified
  • Between 27 January - 7 February 2025: briefing meeting with the 大象传媒 to share further details including tariff and format
  • By 14 March 2025: companies submit a short proposal on PiCoS outlining how they would deliver the series logistically, including specific locations
  • By 18 April 2025: successful indies informed
  • September - December 2025: programme delivery

NB: all dates are subject to change and Producers will be notified of any changes.


Further information

We will not be considering partnerships on this occasion in order to streamline delivery.

The format IP will remain with the 大象传媒.

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