
Credits and Publicity

On Air credits, written credits and marketing materials

Credits demonstrate the ´óÏó´«Ã½â€™s support for the sector and the breadth of suppliers across the UK, they also inform the audience who is editorially responsible for the content.

Credits need to be proportionate and relevant, the minimum requirement is the name of the supplier. Written credits need to be agreed by the Commissioner at the point of commissioning.

It’s important to understand that ON AIR credits are not the same as written credits.

ON AIR credits are managed by Head of the Station or Presentation for Radio 3 and Radio 4/4Extra.

All the Networks have a clear policy for On Air credits.

Radio 1/1Xtra/Asian Network/ ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 6: Programmes have no production credits except on documentaries, where the supplier may add a credit to the final voice over line.

Radio 2: A credit for the production company is expected. Credits for Producers, APs etc are on a case by case basis.

Radio 3: A credit for the production company is expected. Up to two credits for production staff e.g. producer and presenter. Full details of the Radio 3 Policy can be found here

Radio 4/4 Extra: A credit for the production company is expected. Up to two credits for production staff e.g. producer and presenter. Full details of the Radio 4/4Extra Policy can be found here

Radio 5 Live: A credit for the production company is expected.

´óÏó´«Ã½ Sounds: Audio content must follow the policy for the network that it is being broadcast on. A credit for the production company is expected. Credits for Producers, APs etc are on a case by case basis. The broadcast version will need to comply with the Networks ‘On Air’ policy which is different to the written policy.

Written Credits

All credits need to be agreed between the ´óÏó´«Ã½ and the supplier at the point of commissioning. The use of credits should be consistent across the portfolio.  Any written credits should usually appear in the long programme description in Proteus, with the exception of certain titles for Radio 3 and Radio 4 which include dramas, comedies and readings from prose works, which require a credit in either the short or medium descriptions (sometimes in both).  Suppliers will be responsible for adding the credits to the programme descriptions.

Any additional written credits need to be relevant to the complexity of the production and agreed at the point of commissioning.  Credits should follow the compliance process reflecting those who are responsible for the Editorial of the content i.e. Producer/Editor etc.  Craft credits should be included as required however vanity credits need to be avoided.  This is already the case for programmes on Radio 3, Radio 4/Radio 4 Extra and ´óÏó´«Ã½ Sounds podcasts.

When it comes to Podcasts the audience expectation around credits is quite different, however it is important that we have consistency across platforms and as many ´óÏó´«Ã½ programmes are now being made available as podcasts the same rules should apply.

Credits should follow the compliance process reflecting those who are responsible for the Editorial of the content i.e. Producer/Editor/Commissioner etc.  Craft credits should be included as required however vanity credits should be avoided.  Broadcast versions of the Podcast must follow the On Air policy of the network. This may require an alternative version to be delivered for broadcast.

With co-productions the order of the credits needs to be agreed at the point of commissioning and needs to reflect the compliance process with the supplier who has editorial responsibility appearing last.

´óÏó´«Ã½ Action Line: if due to the subject matter, a programme contains a reference to the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Action line then the website details (www.bbc.co.uk/actionline) should be included in the long programme description.

This policy is not retrospective and as such suppliers are not expected to add credits to programmes before made before the policy was introduced.

In all cases when it comes to written credits on any platform they must be agreed between the ´óÏó´«Ã½ commissioner and the supplier at the point of commissioning.

Written Credits

Radio1, 1Xtra, Radio 2, 5 Live, 6 Music and Asian Network a straight forward credit is required.  For Example.

A Homemade Production for ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 2 or
Produced in Salford by Homemade for ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 2
The latter allows us to demonstrate our ATUK commitments, the actual wording should be agreed by the commissioners at point of commission.
Radio 3, Radio 4/4Extra the written credit will include a producer credit and production credit, Orchestral, Live Music, drama and some readings may require additional credits.  Dramas, comedies, and readings from prose works, will continue to use the short or medium descriptions (sometimes in both).  This is current practice.
Produced by Sarah James
Homemade Production for ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 4 or
Homemade Production, Produced in Cardiff by Sarah James for ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 4
The latter allows us to demonstrate our ATUK commitments, the actual wording should be agreed by the commissioners at point of commission.
More complex productions will include craft credits for example:
Written by Agatha Christie
Adapted by Simon Winter
Composer: Brian Ashdown
Sound Designer: Ben Hughes
Directed by Lesley Johnson A Homemade production for ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 4 or
Produced in Bristol by Homemade for ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 4

´óÏó´«Ã½ Sounds

Credits should follow the compliance process reflecting those who are responsible for the Editorial of the content i.e. Producer/Editor/Commissioner etc. Craft credits should be included as required however vanity credits should be avoided. All Credits must be agreed between the ´óÏó´«Ã½ commissioner and the supplier at the point of commissioning.


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