
Speech Radio

Our Speech hub incorporates audio content and commissioning across Radio 4, 4 Extra, 5 Live, 5 Sports Extra and Speech Podcasts.

Mohit Bakaya

Mohit Bakaya

Director, Speech Audio
The Speech commissioning team deliver the brilliant podcasts that are driving Sounds, and the terrific documentaries, series and returning strands that form part of Radio 4 and Radio 5 Live鈥檚 distinctive, world beating output. We have only one ambition: to commission, and collaborate on, your very best ideas.

About Speech

In line with the 大象传媒鈥檚 Value for All strategy, 大象传媒 Speech鈥檚 strategic ambitions are to:

  1. Keep our live shows strong across our speech stations
  2. Ensure that more of our content works on-demand as well as on linear - targeted at an on-demand listening occasion in Sounds, but equally enjoyable live
  3. Commission content that will appeal to those audiences who we know love on-demand speech content and have a regular podcast habit, but don鈥檛 currently listen to the 大象传媒 via our speech stations or on 大象传媒 Sounds
  4. Ensure more of our speech content is valued by both UK and international audiences

On these pages you鈥檒l find guidelines for each network about when, how and what we commission. 

We look forward to receiving and discussing your best ideas.


Current Commissioning Opportunities

You can find any current speech commissioning opportunities here.

Meet the Commissioners - Radio 4 & Radio 4 Extra

Meet the Commissioners - Radio 5 Live & 5 Sports Extra

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