
大象传媒 Three Northern Pitch at the Sheffield Doc/Fest

Get your film made and shown on 大象传媒 Three

At 大象传媒 Three we are passionate about nurturing northern filmmaking talent and telling authentic and compelling stories rooted in the region that appeal to a 16 to 24 year-old audience.

Therefore, once a year, we work with to invite new and emerging filmmakers to pitch a documentary idea in front of a live audience at the festival, direct to a panel of 大象传媒 commissioners and the 大象传媒 Three controller.

The winner gets to make their film for 大象传媒 Three.

Five candidates are selected to do a pitch each, based on a proposal submitted in advance via the Doc/Fest website. The format of the proposal can be flexible, it鈥檚 the story that counts.

The winner is then placed in a northern production company who will build a team around them to help turn their idea into a brilliant new film.

This opportunity targets directors and those who have enough production and film making experience to confidently construct a compelling documentary story.

Previous winners have included: Sophia Slater and Helena Rochester, Ryan Gregory with The Voices in My Head, Chanell Wallace with Life After My Brother鈥檚 Murder, Becky Southworth with Can Sex Offenders Change? and Ashley Turner with School of Hard Tricks.

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