There has just been a helicopter crash. At the last count four died and three are critical Around 750,000 Kauaian visitors take helicopter trips during a year, mostly to fly over the virtually inaccessible Na Pali Coast area (think Jurassic Park). I've done it myself and its spectacular, but there are risks. A friend of mine鈥檚 granddaughter was in a car crash in Honolulu, she was uninjured but two teenagers died and two more are critical.
 | The end of the day |
The Hawaiian government is trying to bring a super hi speed car ferry to the islands for the first time. There are no car ferries at the moment. The impact of this on the island may be devastating. The mongoose, the coqui frog, even more traffic, (there's basically only one major road and that only goes three quarters of the way round the island. The traffic often grinds to a halt on a regular basis) Along with the increased risk of drug smuggling and a great danger to whales, those are just a few of the potential problems. Mosquitoes and cockroaches are a fact of life in the tropics (I was in a five star hotel last week watching a band play and an enormous cockroach scuttled past the band and into the audience). Computers crash, people get fired, there's hardly any nightlife (or single women under 90) and it rains more than you'd think. But there鈥檚 no danger of me leaving for a while yet. |