
Our Inclusive Production Principles

We ask all the producers we work with, to commit to the following principles on their productions.

Productions will be asked to outline their plans on how they will apply the Inclusive Production Principles as part of the commissioning process.

This will apply to all commissions from 1 October 2024.

Inclusive casting and crewing

Productions to ensure processes are in place for inclusive casting and crewing. 

Hair and make up

Productions will provide specialist hair and makeup stylists to work with afro textured hair and a variety of skin tones. 

Accessible productions

Embedding guidelines from the industry-wide TV Access Project on all productions including access coordinators, accessibility of set locations and post-production houses.

Diversity, equity and inclusion education and insights

Access to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) education training and resources on all productions to foster a culture of inclusion and transparency. 

Community engagement

Collaboration and engagement with local communities when telling their stories. 

Our diversity commitments

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