Episode Guide
Season Five Episode Guide
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Angel and crew continue to try to help the helpless - but from a new and different position.
Now they're not facing up to evil law firm Wolfram and Hart anymore - they're running it!
Spoilers - please note: This is an episode guide for Angel Season Five, so UK terrestrial viewers beware - if you don't want to be spoiled, it's probably better not to look.
Angel fights evil with evil.
Just Rewards
Spike aint got no body.
There's rare meat on the menu.
Hell Bound
Spike's losing his grip on reality.
Life of the Party
Sleepless nights cause trouble for Lorne.
The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco
Angel wrestles with a demonic problem.
Cyborgs threaten Wesley... and his dad.
Is it Angel or Spike destined for greatness?
Harm's Way
A bad day at the office for Harmony.
Soul Purpose
Angel is trapped in dreams.
A disturbed Slayer makes sure Spike keeps his hands off her.
You're Welcome
Cordelia's back, and she's brought an attitude.
Why We Fight
Angel helps America in the fight against the Nazi menace.
Smile Time
A TV company make Angel their puppet.
A Hole In The World
The gang fight to save Fred.
Loss and loneliness, both human and demon.
Hell is a house in the suburbs.
Should old acquaintance be forgot?
Time Bomb
Time is not on Illyria's side.
The Girl In Question
An Italian job for Spike and Angel
Power Play
Has Angel become power-crazed?
Not Fade Away
It's finally the Apocalypse. At last.
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Angel is broadcast on Sky One and Five in the UK, and is © Twentieth Century Fox Television. Some images copyright Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. All rights reserved.