Angel - Season Two Episode Guide
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Angel's still got soul
Despite a night of passion with Darla, Angel discovers that his soul remains intact. Post-ephiphany, can the vampire save his former workmates and prevent Kate from taking her own life?
- ten quick questions.
Trivia:The opening scene, reprised from the previous episode, is an almost shot-for-shot restaging of the moment lost his soul after making love to Buffy in Surprise. Despite making love 'professionally' before she became a vampire, Darla fails to turn our hero this time.
Kate, dismissed from the LAPD, tries to end it all, only to be saved by Angel. As Kate, admits, however, she's never invited him into her apartment. Were higher powers at work here?
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Angel is broadcast on Sky One and Five in the UK, and is © Twentieth Century Fox Television. Some images copyright Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. All rights reserved.