Where The Wild Things Are Self-censoring to make the best Buffy.
: I gather that Sarah Michelle Gellar played a lesser role in the episode because she was filming elsewhere?
Doug Petrie: I believe it was the Angel/Faith episodes and so we did have a limited amount of time with our star.
: She seemed to spend a lot of the time in bed with Riley.
Doug Petrie: What can I say? It was a dirty, dirty episode! (laughs)
: Yes it was. A mixture of a rather humorous, erotic story and a more serious child abuse plot. Was the latter a hot potato to handle?
Doug Petrie: To my knowledge we don't get censored a lot by outside forces. We don' t get the network notes and the studio notes. We've never been absolutely forced to do something as far as I know. These may be battles that I don't know about. We self-censor a lot. I think that a lot of what you see on the show and a lot of their restrictions are restrictions that come from Joss and the team. They're what we think are appropriate - we're always pushing things too far and pulling back. A lot of that comes from us. There may be some outside restrictions, but not that I know of.
: Of course, in this episode, we have the show-stopping moment when the Scooby Gang rush to the Espresso Pump and find Giles playing acoustic guitar and singing his heart out!
Doug Petrie: Yeah, singing a Who song.
: How much did Tony Head influence that side of Giles, or was that something that you were all aware of and chose to incorporate into the episode?
Doug Petrie: We knew that he had a gorgeous singing voice and David Fury pushed very hard for that. I believe Joss was out of the room and, much to my own shame, I said, "No, no, no - that's too goofy. That will never work." Sometimes you're wrong and sometimes you're real wrong! That's a case of me being real wrong because Fury said, "Let's have Giles sing" and it was a huge hit. People just loved it.
: Now there's also another budding young singer in the cast who hasn't really had a chance to shine: James Marsters. Is there any scope for a watcher/vampire duet any time soon?
Doug Petrie: He's never brought that up, but now that you have I'll consider it!
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