Blue Peter goes three times a week.
Stuart Miles
From Saturday Disney to Blue Peter. More >
Katy Hill
From head secretary to golden girl. More >
Romana D'annunzio
The show's second Scottish presenter. More >
Richard Bacon
Going from L!ve to Blue Peter. More >

When Diane-Louise Jordan left after six years of loyal service, former Blue Peter editor Lewis Bronze chanced upon a letter written by Romana D'Annunzio, who had impressed him some four years earlier at the Edinburgh Television Festival.
After being whisked down to London for an audition, Romana became the show's second Scottish presenter on 1st March 1996 and was soon wowing viewers with her trendy appearance, love of dressing up and general perkiness.
Shortly after, Tim Vincent left to concentrate on his Clothes Show commitments and another vacancy arose. Step forward Richard Bacon, who knew all there was to know about handling the unexpected on L!ve TV. Richard became the shows 24th presenter on 21st February 1997.
During the Stuart, Katy, Romana, and Richard era Blue Peter celebrated its fortieth birthday, stepped back in time for Christmas, won a BAFTA and buried a Millennium Time Capsule.