Credit CrunchYou are in: Derby > Credit Crunch  West Hallam's Chris Hart has saved money by building his own tiny caravan for the summer! The East Midlands enters recession for the first time since the early 1990s. Find out more...  We want to find out how the economic downturn is affecting you in Derby and Derbyshire.  A small group gathered outside Woolworths this morning ahead of its 'closing down' sale.  Mig Holder has found a way to beat the credit crunch, make money and recycle all at the same time!  Make a Difference this winter with a simple draught excluder for someone who's watching the pennies.  Employment solicitor Jameel Mann explains what happens with enforced job cuts.  With utility bills going sky high, a Derby firm explains how to make your house energy efficient  Are you throwing away good food? Find out how to keep your fruit and veg fresh for longer.  Derbyshire financial advisor Stephen Jones the credit crunch is here - the recession is not. Part of Derby's Riverlights project has again been put back due to uncertain economic conditions. Workers at Royal Crown Derby have been told up to 30 jobs could be cut as part of a savings drive. You are in: Derby > Credit Crunch |