I come bearing a veritable feast of demos this time around. Not one, not two or three but four - yes FOUR - new tracks for you to listen to. CQB
"Crazy Quilt Bouquet" - if you're one of those people who make up their mind about a band simply on hearing its name, I wonder what you're going to make of this. Apparently the name comes from the lyrics of one of the band's songs - and when I say band, I mean Teignmouth's Robin Cowpertwait and his army of IMAGINARY friends....! Confused? Find out more by clicking on the link. Mya Johnson From Teignmouth we head to Paignton to meet Mya Johnson who has toppled the crown from Bow Jenkins for the title of youngest artist on this site. Singer songwriter Mya celebrates her 15th birthday this year - a fact you may not believe when you hear her voice.
Make sure you give her - and the other bands - your feedback on the message boards. Leon If you enjoy acoustic guitar music, this demo is probably the one for you. Leon is from Exeter and says his demo, Get It Right, reflects 'the feelings of hope and frustration'. Burn
And last but (as they say) by no means least, Burn; five lads from the South Hams who describe their music as 'Passionate, Powerful, and Impressive'. Read the profile, listen to the demo and give your feedback. And don't forget you can send an E-CARD of any of the bands to tell family and friends to take a listen too. Join the band If you belong to an unsigned band - or you're a solo act without a label deal - and you'd like a page on Devon Demos, find out how by clicking on the contribute link. And don't forget, if you've suggestions for ways you'd like us to try and improve this section of the website - send an email to me, John Govier at: devon.online@bbc.co.uk with DEVON DEMOS in the subject line. |