A new challenge was set, as Sparksy was given the task of getting to grips with smaller vehicles - and helping to keep the city's streets clean. So, it was down to the Plymouth City Council depot at Prince Rock for his driving to be assessed before being given a demonstration of how one of the fleet's machines gets to work.
 | Brushes at the ready |
The two-seater Schmidt machine has the ability to move its two brushes which sweep rubbish, leaves and other debris into a suction pump which stores the waste in the back of the vehicle. Gordon was then invited to drive the machine around the depot before being allowed onto the streets. After giving Durnford Streetand the entrance to Royal William Yard the once over, he progressed to Devil's Point car park, under the watchful eye of a council employee. The team that take to the streets each day are up at 4am to proudly make the city centre tidy before the daily rush of workers and shoppers arrive. Then its to the suburbs, to clear pavements and kerbs of unsightly mess. With the job done, its back to the depot to empty the machine, and park safely - ready for another day's work! |