As a result of some television programmes, natural stone is much
in demand for "garden makeovers" - and the amount of stone
(of various types) on sale at Garden Centres, seems to be on the
However, when it comes to garden ornaments, the range and choice
is phenomenal.
Concrete and recycled ground-up stone can produce reasonable cast
or moulded items. Troughs, bird baths, animals (from frogs to felines,
elves to 'edgehogs) ponds and water features, the choice is amazing
and - for the majority of the people - perfectly acceptable and
many of us are looking for more unusual garden ornaments |
the real thing - hand made by craftsmen - has always been the prerogative
and desire of the big estate gardens.
Marble statues, sculptured goddesses, nymphs and fountains, some
spouting water into elaborate water features. From time to time
some of these beautiful crafted items have been a temptation to
thieves and many have gone missing over the years.
of Dartmoor, then think of granite. It's everywhere. In all sorts
of shapes and sizes.
There has now developed a trade in Dartmoor Granite Ancient Artefacts,
and there are numerous such items scattered around the moors.
Crosses, wayside markers, shaped or engraved stones, and in particular,
the beautiful and varied granite crosses, have all become an irresistible
temptation to some thieves.
The Dartmoor National Park Authority has become aware of this and
is so concerned it has decided to take action to make them more
difficult to steal.
the thief >>> |