Video NationYou are in: Devon > Video Nation  Rheumatoid arthritis hasn't stopped Philippa Armstrong becoming a successful dog agility trainer.  Brazilian student Susanne Rodrigues is learning about Plymouth and the people during her stay.  Maddie Harding, 27, lives with her parents in Brixham and needs constant care and attention.  Ben Langler has been learning native bushcraft survival skills since he was just 12-years-old.  Nick Hewison grows blueberries on his land, 600ft above sea level in Lustleigh on Dartmoor.  Kirsten Danks is nervous after entering produce grown on her Plymouth allotment in the local show.  Dave Symonds is a master thatcher who uses materials grown in the valley where he lives.  Joanna Pike was so horrified when she heard about the civil war in Uganda, she set up a charity.  After suffering a breakdown, Shirley took up art classes to help her rebuild her confidence.  Simon Giarchi recently travelled to Brazil where homelessness and poverty are major problems. Toby is a breakdancing tutor in Plymouth and teaches 60 youngsters in the 'Street Factory.' More from this sectionYou are in: Devon > Video Nation |