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Don't tell Syd

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Messages: 1 - 17 of 17
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by kleines c (U2241124) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    Syd just posted on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 3 message boards, so I thought that I would return the favour. A little cross-fertilisation of ideas is no bad thing, in my opinion.

    My name is c, kleines c. As I do not listen to the Archers, I am a little out of my depth, but as I listen to Radio 3, I trust that you will forgive me my shorcomings. So here at "The Bull", what can I write? Well, we have a message board called "The Verb & Drama on 3", and although it rarely matches the Archers, so what? Anyway, last night, we all met up at "Ye Olde Mitre", so I thought that Syd might like the low down. If this is unacceptable, please feel free to delete this message.

    ' ... To all those who came along to "Ye Olde Mitre" last night, thank you very much indeed. What an enjoyable evening it turned out to be. As promised, we composed our very own "Drama on 3", originally entitled "Ye Olde Mitre", for immediate broadcast. It will be necessary to reschedule everything today.

    Seriously, however, to all those who came along, congratulations on finding the place, and getting in. It is probably the most difficult public house in the world to locate, down some dark alley between Hatton Garden and Ely Place. If anyone is interested, I even wrote a review on "viewlondon". I might attempt an update after last night's spectacular extravaganza. If I may nevertheless address your final point, Flay:

    "I wonder if Kleines found any company in the pub tonight? How times have changed - Elizabeth 1st's maypole would find another use in a modern-day pub ... "

    Indeed, the pub is rather small, but it was absolutely packed out. As I did not recognise everyone, I suspect that the ´óÏó´«Ã½ may have sent along some spies who were not prepared to identify themselves. Big Brother may be watching you, Flay, but are you watching Big Brother? As for the maypole, it is more like the stump of a cherry tree, although I guess that as kleines started to dance, it took on a whole new life of its own. More later ...

    I should also attempt to have a go at some of the other points made here overnight. Christopher (french frank), you wrote that you post on this board to express your impressions (e.g. on Do3) and hear what other people have to say about them. You like an exchange of views otherwise there's not a lot of point in having thoughts at all. I think that that is really profound. I suspect that if we cannot communicate a thought, we may not be able to have it, although I am not entirely sure. Descartes suggested the following:

    "I think, therefore I am."

    Rousseau, I suspect, was more of a romantic:

    "I feel, therefore I am."

    Kleines goes even further today:

    "I communicate, therefore I am."

    Has the human mind moved a little further forward today? Who knows? As for Anna, you may occasionally think of yourself or indeed the Welsh as "loud, vulgar and flippant", but in truth, such a description is a more accurate reflection of kleines c. I too think that Emma met a tragic end in Calais. Perhaps we all make mistakes. To err is human, Anna; to forgive, divine?'

    I trust that everything is well down at "The Bull". Three cheers from kleines.

    csmiley - winkeye

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by kleines c (U2241124) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    I suspect that it was something of a mistake posting here, but don't tell Syd, or anyone else at all. Have a great night!

    csmiley - winkeye

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Eilis (U1474217) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    Hello, Kleinesc

    The Bull is where we discuss "everything but The Archers". I'm sorry nobody welcomed you before now.

    It's customary to offer newcomers a drink on the house. And then do have one on me.

    Unfortunately we aren't allowed nice pictures of beer and champagne so you'll just have to take my word for it that it's on offer!


    Eilis xx

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Syd Rumpo (U1483538) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    Blimey, Kleines C, I didn't understand a word of that, but a very warm welcome to The Bull anyway.



    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by kleines c (U2241124) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    Well, as I never listen to the Archers, I have no chance of getting into trouble here. I guess that there is a fundamental problem with soaps, whether on the radio or television, and that is that real life is just so much more fun, or at least in my opinion, it should be. What are all these village idiots doing out anyway? Drinking in "The Bull"?

    Anyway, Eilis, I'll have whatever you're drinking. As for Syd, well, you know what I listen to, so perhaps I am on a slightly different wavelength, classical music and all that jazz, so to speak, but so what? I'll have the bottle of Krug. Let's have a toast! To everyone in "The Bull", your good health!

    csmiley - winkeye

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Prabhakari (U2255747) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    <"I communicate, therefore I am.">

    I communicate, therefore I am buying a new toothbrush.

    :&gtsmiley - winkeye) Prabhakari.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Syd Rumpo (U1483538) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    C, I hope you'll be impressed if I tell you that I am at the moment listening to Ralph Vaughan Williams' Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis.

    We're not all turnip heads over here you know!!

    Enjoy your Krug

    Syd smiley - winkeye>

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by JazzDuke (U1675932) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    I suspect that it was something of a mistake posting here, but don't tell Syd, or anyone else at all. Have a great night!

    csmiley - winkeyeÌý

    ...we are simple people here (well, I speak for at least me when I say that) and it is most rare to see such a long post. But once digested and cogitated you will get back as good as you give.

    (210546th post)

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by kleines c (U2241124) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    All your comments are well taken. Thank you.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Once-a-Ginge (U1486077) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    Nice posting number JD. ;~))

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by kleines c (U2241124) on Tuesday, 18th October 2005

    Don't tell Syd, Tabby.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by kleines c (U2241124) on Wednesday, 19th October 2005

    Good morning to you all! I trust that everyone in "The Bull" had a good night. If we were to meet at a pub at the end of the universe, Syd, and we imagine any number of other people in the pub, including all the posters we have ever held a dialogue with on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ message boards, including Eilis, Prabhakari and kleines, but more pertinently, suppose Professors Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche and Ludwig Wittgenstein also turned up, we could buy them all a drink. Rolling on the floor laughing, I reckon that it could cost us a lot.

    Suppose that I had already been bought a few drinks by the great philosophers, I could say to Friedrich, Immanuel and Ludwig, "It's my round now. What are you all drinking?"

    This would be reasonable behaviour in the legendary "Nag's Head" on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 3 message boards, for example, but what about "Ye Olde Mitre", even the great "Bull" itself? Well, if we think about the categorical imperative, JazzDuke, it is also a very Kantian remark. If the buying of rounds is to work, even kleines has to cough up at some point.

    Now Friedrich believed in generosity, so he might have gone up to the bar, asked the barmaid for a tab and said, "All the drinks are now on little Frie."

    Immanuel might have retorted, perhaps even in German, "Nein, nein, nein... "

    Rolling on the floor laughing, I guess that [if the police didn't turn up,] JD would then have bought nine drinks for Frie, Immanuel and Ludwig. Ludwig would not have asked for meaning in those nine drinks; he would, of course, have asked for use.

    "I have a tool box in my bag here, kleines c. Look at what I have inside. There is a hammer, pliers, a saw, a screw-driver, a ruler, a glue-pot, nails and screws. The function of words are as diverse as the functions of these objects. I do not want to know how much you are drinking, kleines; I want to know what you really enjoy drinking with me, and why?"

    I would have replied that I liked a good riesling, especially after looking inside the toolbox, although possibly not nine rieslings in a row. "The older I get, Ludwig, the more I prefer quality to quantity. Now you know!"

    Ludwig would have then drunk the rest of the bottle, Eilis, and headed for the WC, as one does. The c take, for what it is worth, is that it does not ultimately matter who buys the drinks. It may matter what one drinks; it may also matter how much one drinks. It certainly helps if people enjoy themselves, Tabby, and what really matters is that everyone gets home all right afterwards. This is love.

    Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch, or even a free drink, so if someone buys me something, I owe them. So what? In this sense, Prabhakari, I therefore think that Ludwig got his language right. He realised that what mattered was not how much kleines was drinking, Eilis, nor even that the food and drinks were good; what mattered was the company. Now you know, Syd! Have a great day!

    csmiley - winkeye

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Once-a-Ginge (U1486077) on Wednesday, 19th October 2005

    Good morning "Little C". It's all a little early for me to get my head around philosophy, and indeed too long ago since I read any of the original sources to know whether your views on the attitudes of the various great thinkers are correct, but we are, as you say, here to have fun, so playing with the identities of the philosphers and how they would have reacted to the internet and existential drinking houses is certainly fun.

    I'll be popping in and out throughout the day today as I'm not at work, so I'll try and keep track of this conversation. But please feel free to join the meanderings in some of the other threads, Kleines, and get an idea of the sort of random thought that went on in Mustardland. The atmosphere in here is a bit sombre at the moment, as none of us is entirely satisfied with our new environment, and we are finding it difficult to keep track of where are friends are, so we may not be as jolly as we have been on other occasions, but I'm sure that everyone will make you feel very welcome.

    Oh, I'm forgetting my manners (that's what being in a strange environment does for me). It's traditional to offer newcomers to The Bull a free drink to welcome them. I'm having a coffee right now, so I hope you will join me. But do feel free to have something stronger if you can face it this early in the day.


    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by kleines c (U2241124) on Wednesday, 19th October 2005

    I am indeed already on my third cup of coffee of the morning, Tabby, but the day is still young. I have indeed read some of the other concurrent discussions taking place on this message board, but as it is not my natural home, I felt it appropriate if I limited my contributions to this one single discussion.

    Nevertheless, a parallel discussion is obviously taking place on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 3 message boards, so let me quote myself from there, as it saves me time. I am attempting to "multitask", after all:

    " ... In general, I am quite happy with the new message boards. Obviously they have their faults, as have been catalogued below, but message board regulars will know that I am never too bothered by such trifles. The problem with new technology is that it will always be supplanted, and much as this particular software has its faults, they hardly matter.

    What matters, in my view, is what we write, and I think that you all write rather engagingly, sometimes penetratingly and occasionally even brilliantly. Congratulations to all!"

    Carpe diem.

    csmiley - winkeye

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by kleines c (U2241124) on Wednesday, 19th October 2005

    Anyone who reads the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 3 message boards will realise that kleines is very keen on both music and science. I was once asked to write something on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio 4 message boards, so as I now find myself in "The Bull", Tabby, this is probably as good a place as any.

    We are used to thinking of matter as being composed of particles, Eilis, but this model does not ultimately explain gravity. An apple may once have fallen on Sir Isaac Newton's head, and all was light, but for kleines, I see matter more like a series of vibrating strings.

    Apart from the fact that instead of one there are five different, healthy paths for modelling strings (three superstrings and two heterotic strings), there is another difficulty in studying string theory, Syd: we do not have tools to explore the theory over all possible values of the parameters in the theory. Each theory is like a large planet of which we only knew a small island somewhere on the planet.

    Over the last four years, techniques have been developed to explore the theories more thoroughly, in other words, to travel around the 'c' in each of those planets and find new islands. Only since then has it been realised that those five string theories are actually islands on the same planet, not different ones! Thus there is an underlying theory of which all string theories are only different aspects. This is called M-theory.

    Just as one of the world's great orchestras has violins, violas, cellos etc. playing in tune, JazzDuke, this is how I understand matter. Matter is where many strings are vibrating to produce the same note, or chords which resonate to produce some kind of harmony. This is the musical equivalent of matter.

    What matter could be, certainly at a sub-atomic level, are strings vibrating in harmony, because matter may ultimately be composed of vibrating strings. In this sense, Syd, we are therefore dealing with multiplicities. I am not here and there at the same time. It is the harmonies that are here and there at the same time, in any one of eleven dimensions.

    The real point, however, is that these strings are not composed of anything, JD. They are energy as much as they are matter. Albert Einstein was arguably the first to define how they were linked.

    Has kleines finally been squared?

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by kleines c (U2241124) on Wednesday, 19th October 2005

    Who knows? Nevertheless, that's quite enough from kleines c. "The Bull" may finally be turning a little more bullish. All the best,

    csmiley - winkeye

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by stirling (U13732738) on Sunday, 24th February 2013

    Don't tell SydÌý

    ......the board is closing?

    Report message17

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