
The BullÌý permalink

Thread for people whose world hasn't been rocked

This discussion has been closed.

Messages: 1 - 50 of 208
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by Dragonfly (U2223700) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    I'm truly sorry that so many people are very upset by the imminent closure of this messageboard. It's been a significant part of my life for nearly 12 years and it will leave a gap. But it's not the end of the world for me, and I wondered if there might be a few others out there of the same mind.

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by eilis (U15195380) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    That would be me, Dragonfly.

    I always knew that the boards wouldn't last forever and when the doors close I'll get on with my life. Like all of us I've had to face change in RL over the years so the end of ML won't rock my world at all.

    Nothing lasts forever, not here, not The Archers, not the ´óÏó´«Ã½.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Calamity Jane (U2439513) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Wotcha Draggers! A voice of reason in the maelstrom of ever increasing insanity. As a wise man once said - remember, it's only a messageboard. (To be honest, I thought the Beeb would have pulled the plug on this place years ago.)

    I used to have a lot of fun on here, back when it was all fields, but gave up posting many years ago because there were far too many special snowflakes who would take offence at the slightest thing. I've still kept an eye on the old place out of habit and because I can't resist when that Millbanke woman starts talking about accountancy.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by irene (U14262395) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    yoo hoo draggers. i posted same elsewhere. everything changes etc. still, theres nothing wrong with anyone posting about how much they will miss other posters, to my mind. eg i shall miss you, and eilis.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Fee (U3534148) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    >But it's not the end of the world for me, and I wondered if there might be a few others out there of the same mind.<

    Yes, me too.

    It's a shame but it's also an opportunity. I know that I spend more time in here than it warrants - but it's a difficult habit to break. I'm looking forward to having various cyber places which I can drop into for those "water-cooler" moments - or in search of helpful information - and where I will recognise some of the names (and may be recognised in return) but losing the magnetic pull of this one - and possibly finding some others - and probably doing rather more non-internet related things.

    Nothing stays the same but generally it is possible to find progress in even the most unwelcome opportunities.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Dragonfly (U2223700) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Calam! Hurrah. Well, it's almost worth losing the MB to see you back here.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you the author of the Spatometer, which is worth reproducing again here for the umpteenth time:

    Spat-o-meter scale
    (Provided by Calamity Jane)

    1 Calm – someone posts an innocuous message on the message board.
    2 Scuffle – another person says "ooh, that wasn't funny/fair/kind".
    3 Tussle – a few more people get involved either to back up the original poster or to agree with the dissenter. Someone says "I find that very offensive".
    4 Scrap – serious insults start to appear. First catpee occurs. Thread reaches 50 replies.
    5 Fracas – spat really gets going as people threaten to leave. Plaintive cries of "why can't we all be nice?" can be heard.
    6 Affray – first mention of newbies v. oldies. People are accused of hi-jacking the thread for their own agenda.
    7 Fight – first flounce occurs. The thread now has over 100 replies.
    8 Punch-up – hosts get involved. Thread no longer makes sense as most of it has been catpeed.
    9 Brawl – first mention of 'cliques'. More flouncing. High number of 'please don't go' posts can be observed. Wendy swears.
    10 All–out war – multiple flouncing. Thread now covers six pages. Spat enters Mustardland folklore.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Cruella (U2235047) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Bonjour mes amies.

    Calam, I love "special snowflakes". Sums it up to perfection.

    I am a little sad to know that the boards will no longer be there as an old comfort blanket and source of occasional entertainment, but plus ca change, etc. I made some good and, I hope, lifelong friends here and had a lot of fun back in the days of Ye Olde Proper Mustardland.

    I do think though, that having lurked through the last couple of days, that some of the reactions are a little on the, er, shall we say extreme side? I can understand disappointment and fear of change, but I'm sure if posters take a step back to regain their perspective, they'll see that if the friendships they have made here are true and binding, they will continue regardless of the forum in which they take place. I know mine have.

    Anyone thrown a doughnut at Wendy lately? (I bet most of these young whippersnappers don't even know who Wendy is. Or me, for that matter.)

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by eilis (U15195380) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    i shall miss you, and eilis. Ìý

    You not moving on, irene? I've no plans to go to either of the new boards. I did sign up to the Facebook page however. Not sure how it will go.

    There will be so many things that will remind me of you, dear sista.

    [btw I'm going to Buck House in the near future because my BiL is getting a gong - CBE indeed. But you know I've never subscribed to those rumours]

    Here, have a very large glass of wine. xx

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Barefoot - a Bit of a Handful (U14258080) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    I miss Wendy - remember the doughnut?

    I think we'll have to update her swearing with Eilis's SSJ. Otherwise it's still perfect.


    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Penstemon (U4429639) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Oh DF what a voice of reason well done. Honestly what a kerfufle, petitions and the like. It's honestly not real life people. Proportion is required , life will go on and no one has died. (It's just a message board and its closing...) it's a pity but that's all

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Goodness me! Someone said that Calamity Jane would turn up, but I didn't believe it. Wow, this really is blasts from the pasts time.

    I'm the same, Draggers. This board has been a big support to me at times in the past, when I've been housebound and isolated, but its nature has changed so much for the worse for various reasons over the past 4 years that it no longer feels that way to me, and I'm more often irked than amused by what I read here, and so I feel a lot less saddened by its closure than I thought I would.

    Of course that is in part helped by the fact that Peet's has been available as a place to decamp to in such an event, and many of my chums and other posters have already made their way over there to test the waters, so I hope that a lot of the communication and contacts made over the years can continue. I have a small, possibly vain, hope that this will actually be a fresh start, and a lot of the divisions and spattiness can be left behind with the old board.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by LoopyLobes (U14384399) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Yes, I agree. I've been posting on this particular message board on and off since October 2004, preferring other ´óÏó´«Ã½ boards really, but as they were closed down I ended up here. I've collected plenty of real life friends along the way and I keep in contact with them well away from here. I think there are only 2 of us (of the friends I met on ´óÏó´«Ã½ boards) who still post here.

    I'm very sorry for those who are going to miss this place more than I am, but I think that some of the reactions are pretty extreme. We can all keep in touch with those we want to, can't we? We don't need this board for that. I would be very worried if I was as devastated as some are about this. The way I see it, I will be in touch with all those whose posts I enjoy and I will no longer have to put up with those I don't.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Calamity Jane (U2439513) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Cruella! How totally fab to see you. I think you and I started posting at pretty much the same time. **Oooh, Clique Alert**

    You know what's really scary about the Spat-o-meter? I've just checked the file properties and it was created in June 2003. Yikes, where does the time go?

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Ah, the Spat-o-meter is a classic. Thanks for reprinting it.

    In which case, this may be the perfect occasion to reprint Norma's hilarious guide to being a troll from a few years back, which I hope she won't mind me posting here.


    Advice on how to become a troll
    by Pan Demic (aka nnormal)

    Those who mentioned hiding under a bridge have got it right. The first troll rule is to leap out into a thread or conversation with something offensive, controversial or (better still) irrelevant. eg slagging off some team that’s just beaten Middlesboro or something (usually quite easy). Then you need to bang on about it quite a bit and be pretty one-tracked and obsessive and totally ignore those who tell you to go away/into DTA/The Village Hall and so on.

    In your case you will need to change your name as you will otherwise fall into that rather disgraced troll category of a "well respected poster" (aka someone who has been here such a long time no one gives a tuppenny one what you say or do, because they know you have totally lost it). I feel I speak with some authority on this.

    It rather depends on whether you want to start all over again, or whether you want to be able to continue to carry the flag for some pet project of your own (can also be troll-like but more often comes over as just obsessive). I choose to take this route as I feel I need to be able to intervene on behalf of Mr Pullen, or other silents. Others want to make their hatred (Ruth) or love (Nigel, in one strange case) felt on DTA. Others want to discuss pet topics (like pets) here and get told to go to the VH.

    There are so many routes to being just damn annoying here that a full-on venture into trolldom is fairly unnecessary. Also I think it is considered bad form to have 2 identities (tho’ this is something I have considered in the past).

    There are other features which you could consider should you go down the troll route - POSTING IN CAPITAL LETTERS IS A GOOD ONE AND REALLY GETS TO PEOPLE HERE; nasty trolls will pursue a person as well as a topic but you will get destroyed by mr k’s technical means eventually so praps best not..and of course people will hate you, but that’s good if you are a troll - should you go down that route it’s prob best to pick on someone who will notice or give a damn. (On the I cannot recommend this latter device).

    But you can have a lot of troll-fun as yourself by joining threads really late and taking them back (quite irrelevantly to the original topic which everyone has forgotten about); or by resurrecting spat/controversial threads; or by criticizing well-liked personalities - their appearance for eg; or saying how much you like Anne Atkins; by starting a thread about breast-feeding/loathing cats/dogs (pooing in your veg for eg); anti man/woman thread; feminists; banging on about religion - the list is endless (so I won’t continue).

    I know you will have lots of fun in your new troll life and I shall be looking out for you as I trip trap over the threads.

    cheers Pan

    ps you can look up on google and it tells you how to be a troll

    pps I didn’t do that - I just know instinctively

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by petal jam (U1466691) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    No it wont be the end of my world - but it will be the end of a significant era. When the boards were really on song there was never a party quite like it; nor a better quiet restorative for drooping spirits. And for a bunch of Archers listeners, what an amazing mix of people and perspectives.

    All those plotlines left up on the air..

    Btw I rather think the end of the message board will signal the end of my tv license. Can barely remember the last time I watched the television, which has to be retuned before the mast every time we use it. Was quite happy to pay in return for the pleasure of a few daily snorks and a clatter on the keyboard. But that was then.

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Rhona D aka Meen Bonkers (U219830) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Who could forget the doughnut?

    Believe it or not, it is getting on for five years since Wendy had the opportunity to swear or do anything else in Mustardland.

    I still feel sad about that.

    Draggers, I, too, am sure that life will go on, even without this MB. However, I know that if this closure had happened 3 or 4 years ago, when I was going through a particularly tough patch, and was unable to share many of my problems even with close friends and family, I'd have been devastated. (NOT because I shared many of those problems here, but because the diversion of the message board made some of the hard things more bearable.) So I do sort of see where some people are coming from.

    Great to see Calam and Cruella in here! (Wave, wave.)

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Calamity Jane (U2439513) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Thanks for that Badge, you will be getting the bill for removing coffee from my monitor and keyboard. And what makes Norma's guide even funnier is that I once added a step 11 to the Spatometer which read...

    11. Hidden Landmine - Norma appears for the first time and rattles the otherwise subsiding ant heap with her pointy stick, just for the heck of it!

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    I miss Wendy too - she was unfailingly lovely.

    Jane, that's perfect. Probably just as well you never published it during a tussle. I've always loved and admired Norma's deft touch with the old stick. It would be a greyer world without the likes of her, Dunc and so on telling us what idiots we were being. Not that I always liked Dunc's tactics, but you know what I mean. Norma's been seen on Peet's Mustardland, so all is not lost. All are welcome there to continue on the old ML nonsense.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Lili Bolero and the band played on (U10534540) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Bookmarking this thread so that I can keep it For Evva.

    Yes - I do remember Wendy and the Donut incident.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Fee (U3534148) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    >Draggers, I, too, am sure that life will go on, even without this MB. However, I know that if this closure had happened 3 or 4 years ago, when I was going through a particularly tough patch, and was unable to share many of my problems even with close friends and family, I'd have been devastated. (NOT because I shared many of those problems here, but because the diversion of the message board made some of the hard things more bearable.) So I do sort of see where some people are coming from.<

    Yes, I share that feeling too - it's a measure of how much ML has helped me that I am now able to see it go with equanimity.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Wanda_Ofwandas (U2258758) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    its nature has changed so much for the worse for various reasons over the past 4 years that it no longer feels that way to me, and I'm more often irked than amused by what I read here, and so I feel a lot less saddened by its closure than I thought I would.

    I have a small, possibly vain, hope that this will actually be a fresh start, and a lot of the divisions and spattiness can be left behind with the old board.
    'Ö' Ìý

    Well said, that Badger.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Rhona, also lovely to see you (my, isn't this board closure having a lot of lovely side-effects?)

    I agree, 3 or 4 years ago I'd have felt similarly, and I still expected that I would have, because, tragically enough, it is still my main means of interaction with other people. However it has lost the joyful diversionary aspect to such a great degree for me that it doesn't feel like much of a loss. The only loss will be those who decide to call it a day and don't make it to another board such as Peet's, and that does make me sad at some of the friendships - because even though this is all faceless and online, there are friendships - which will be broken as a result. I'm surprised that others are feeling as gutted as they are what with the board in the state it is, but then we're all different and react in different ways.

    Jane, please take this hanky, for coffee, the mopping up thereof.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by FowPah (U1746998) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Every online site I have been on says the same after a while 'Changed for the worst'

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    I'm guessing the doughnut incident occurred during my DTA-only days (I like to think of myself as fairly computer-literate, so it's a bit embarrassing to admit that it was five or more years before I realised there was actually more than one area to the board). What happened? Was this the famous 'Wendy swears' incident?

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by BrightYangThing (U14627705) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I think I love you.

    My ghast has been well and truly flabbered at the shenanigans since the announcement. I just can't be as exercised about it's demise as many though hope that some of the supportive groups will find safe new homes.

    I was beginning to wonder if Cameron, D. hadn't engineered the whole thing to take the heat off. The ´óÏó´«Ã½ is now the most vilified organisation and poor Mr Smith, N. the most hated person in the world - North Korea has passed ML by in the grieving, wailing and gnashing of teeth, petition signing, contract killing organisation, wake plans etc.

    Don't shoot the messenger.

    I shall miss the place but it has become far too easy to fritter away too many hours with people, lovely though they are, but whom I really don't know from Adam (or Eve).

    Nothing against those in distress (though loving the 'special snowflakes') but this touch of perspective is sorely needed.

    Life will go on. I promise.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by petal jam (U1466691) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    >>five years since Wendy had the opportunity to swear or do anything else in Mustardland.<<

    Ah - Rhona I hadn't twigged that Wendy had passed on and not just retired from the fray. Have thought of her many times.

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Oh, gosh - I thought Rhona meant since Wendy decided to leave the board. How sad.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Bette (U2222559) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Oh! I was sure that that was what she meant, too, Leaps.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by bunny (U2220728) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    I'm very sorry about it, because it's been part of my life for ten years, and although I will go to Peet's, I don't think it will be the same. I particularly feel bad about missing out on people I only know through the boards and who will now disappear into the ether. (irene, how can I let you know if it's time to buy a hat if you can't be found?)

    Though it's not the end of my world in any sense, I know that there are people here who are housebound, or troubled, or lonely, or frightened, or ill, who need the friendship of the boards to keep them going. I'm not in that particular group, and indeed I have deliberately kept any troubles off the boards, but I have found the boards a great companion at various times, and I like the friends I've made on it. I don't want to question those for whom this is a great disaster, because I understand very well why that is.

    I do think it's a shame that a thriving group should be so summarily disbanded. Things aren't the way they used to be here and not everything interests me, but there is enough in the way of fun and enough in the way of interesting people that I would really prefer it kept going.

    Some of those who have posted on this thread are people I particularly like and respect, and I hope you will consider taking part in one of the other groups, just so we can still hear your views and enjoy your company.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by irene (U14262395) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    a cbe, eilis? crikey o reilly.
    no i shant move on to the other boards.
    i shall miss you desperately. i think i arrived on this one, about a few months before yourself. how long ago was that, do you recall? ps i fully intend to do my jim mcdonald impression before the end. yrs, dramatically, etc.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by Rhona D aka Meen Bonkers (U219830) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Petal and everyone - no, as far as I know, Wendy is still alive and well.
    She no longer uses the internet at all, though.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by bunny (U2220728) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    irene, can I plead with you? I've always wanted to meet you, and I know you won't let that happen, but it would be great to see you online somewhere.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by petal jam (U1466691) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Bette, Badgey I do hope you're right and I need to clean my Mustard specs.

    [Just for a moment I caught a nuance and remembered some posts.]

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Rhona D aka Meen Bonkers (U219830) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    I'm guessing the doughnut incident occurred during my DTA-only days (I like to think of myself as fairly computer-literate, so it's a bit embarrassing to admit that it was five or more years before I realised there was actually more than one area to the board). What happened? Was this the famous 'Wendy swears' incident?
    'Ö' Ìý

    Wendy swore* in a wee kerfuffle with PB Casca back in the days when the boards were blue. I think both of them had a severe talking to from Mr. Keri.

    (It might have been a word as strong as "blast" or "damn" or "bloody".)

    The doughnut story... I don't know if I am capable of telling the doughnut story. Anyone else remember it who has a better gift of the gab than I?

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by bunny (U2220728) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Anyone heard from Peebs lately?

    Mel O'Drama and I thought we'd run into him once in a London bookshop but it was someone else -- too old.

    Would be interested to know what he was up to.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Cruella (U2235047) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Rhona, if you mean what I think you mean, then that is sad news indeed. Wendy was the materfamilias of the board when I started posting.

    LB, Wendy encountered a very peculiar form of road rage. She was driving home with her window open (you can see where this is going, can't you...) when IIRC there was a minor altercation between her and another car; the other driver become somewhat animated, shouting and gesticulating and then threw a doughnut clean through Wendy's open window. She was too gobsmacked to respond. History does not relate whether or not she ate the doughnut.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by Lili Bolero and the band played on (U10534540) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    The doughnut story... I don't know if I am capable of telling the doughnut story. Anyone else remember it who has a better gift of the gab than I? Ìý

    Ideally, we need someone like MAK (remember him?) to dredge the original thread back up from the depths of the archives.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Morty Vicar (U2247272) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    < Some of those who have posted on this thread are people I particularly like and respect, and I hope you will consider taking part in one of the other groups, just so we can still hear your views and enjoy your company. >

    Echoed. To name but one, if irene doesn't come across (Ooh! Matron!) she won't be able to write, word for word, the post I was going to write, as she has often done in the past (really!).

    Comparisons are odious, but I have to suggest Peet's as favourite, if only because I and many others are already there and it looks most likely to have critical mass. (Plus, I love Peet.)

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by Cruella (U2235047) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Petal and everyone - no, as far as I know, Wendy is still alive and well.
    She no longer uses the internet at all, though.

    Ah, phew!

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Peggy Monahan (U2254875) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    I'm truly sorry that so many people are very upset by the imminent closure of this messageboard. It's been a significant part of my life for nearly 12 years and it will leave a gap. But it's not the end of the world for me, and I wondered if there might be a few others out there of the same mind.Ìý

    To be perfectly honest one of my mixed feelings was relief, the closure of the board will make it that much easier to cut down the time spent in front of the computer rather than doing other stuff (either worthwhile or other forms of entertainment). But I will miss it first of all because I do listen to the Archers and like to see what's being said, read the spoilers etc.

    And then because I enjoy certain types of threads, discussions about language* (even if the haitch question comes around too often), some other general political/moral questions and shopping. (*I still miss the "Word of Mouth" MB.) Partly it's because living abroad it's a place to talk to people with whom I share a certain culture.

    So I've signed petitions and so on because on balance I'd rather it went on existing than not, and I'll drop into the alternatives to keep up with discussion on the Archers, if it looks like there are intersting discussions maybe I'll get involved.

    But no I haven't shed a tear or thought my life is finished.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Rhona D aka Meen Bonkers (U219830) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Bunny (wave, wave - I think of you and Fan every time I walk down Maximilianstrasse), Peebs posted somewhere on the boards relatively recently. (Within the last 4 months, I would say.) I only saw the post a few days later, though, and it didn't seem as though anyone who "knew" him from the ancient days had picked up on his presence. And there was no indication of what he was doing now.

    Susq once met him when he was trying to find a van for his trip to the Highlands.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Susquehanna14 (U13885715) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    At a time when I was almost out of my mind with anxiety over my Thai daughter-in-law's visa refusal (before she and my son married), I would like to record that I was dragged out of my ignorance by some very generous postings on the subject which resulted in a marriage in Bangkok, contact with an expert immigration lawyer, and her eventual spouse visa.

    I have since learnt of other boards with more specialist immigration advice, but it was here that I was helped out of some despair and pointed in the right direction. So don't discount the serious help that the community used to offer, given the extraordinarily varied individuals who use to be attracted to it.

    My world has not been rocked, but 5 or 6 years ago, it was changed and encouraged, and I really appreciate that.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by bunny (U2220728) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Rhona my dere, lovely to see you, and thank you again and again for everything you did for Fan and me. I'm sure we will be down your way again sometime in the near future and I will let you know! Hope you are doing well. Love from us both. xxx

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Nemo399 (U14258777) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    It's certainly not the end of the world for me, but then I haven't been here for ten years, I only come here spasmodically, and this is only one web site out of many where I visit and comment. In addition, I've had a few issues with the more extreme side of the DTA part of the board, although I'd only just discovered the more even-handed 'Ambridge Extra' board and was enjoying that----ironic!

    However, I feel particularly sorry for 'The Village Hall' users (where I never post); that part of the board must be a life-line for them. Hope they can set up alternative support group forums through yahoo or equivalent.

    What I'm wondering though, is could axeing the messageboards be a prelude to axeing The Archers?

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by Susquehanna14 (U13885715) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Hah! I met Peebs! Tried to sell him my son's armoured van (ex poll tax collecting vehicle) but he met us, with an engineer, at my ex-husband's old piggery where van is stored, and they all agreed it could not be moved.

    That was when he was planning a life-enhancing journey around the British Isles and needed a vehicle to do it in. Who was his current mentor and adviser.....Mark something? Quote from him I remember is "Peebs as Old Crusty?"

    At least we have been given a few days to remember the classics......

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Rhona D aka Meen Bonkers (U219830) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Please do get in touch if you are down my way, Bunny!

    Incidentally, I have had some very pleasant communications with people from the Institute that Fan was visiting; and even received some translation work - neither of which would have happened had I not been in touch back then - so thanks, backatcha.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by bunny (U2220728) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Was he as Oscar Wilde-ish as he appeared on the boards?

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Lili Bolero and the band played on (U10534540) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    The Real Archers was axed the day that it was claimed that Nigel fell off the roof, and the miracle Cheese Baby was born who transformed his mother's personality.

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by Katy Tulip (U2239809) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    Eek!!! Some crossed wires or summat here!

    Wendy, as far as I know, is alive and well elsewhere IRL - she last posted in the one of the main MFC threads to express her sadness at learning of the death of Squigs...

    I second the sentiments as expressed by petaljam, Fee & Rhona upthread.


    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by bunny (U2220728) on Tuesday, 12th February 2013

    So pleased that was a help to you, Rhona.

    Fan is now in the region studied by the institute, doing his research drinking a lot of coffee.

    Report message50

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