Simon Dingwall
A good idea, but
the fighting was
afwul. There was
too much of it.
It was too slow,
and they should
have sped it up.
Also, they don't
aim for each
other, you throw
your sword away
or try and kill
the wall! And
finally, they
make the blocks
before their
attacks! 4/10.
Andrew Glassford
The fighting
scene is a bit
slow, it could do
with being
faster. The
person how was
playing MacDuff
seem to be laughing
during the movie.
Kathryn Harrop
The fight scene
was slightly
especially when
Macduff threw
the sword across
the room. You
couldn't really
hear it and it
was a little
I thought this
was a good
attempt of the
fight scene but
the fight was
pretty pathetic with Wendy
dropping her
sword lol!
Lewis Jones
I think it was
very good with
the fight scene
but I couldn't
hear the sound.
Another good
fighting scene!
Rory Coe
This was poor
compared to the
Macmatrix fight
scenes but was
still acted out
quite well.
i liked the
choreography of
the fight but
found it hard to
concentrate and
listen to the